To cackle like a goose.
(smoking, of a pipe) Empty with nothing left to smoke but ash.
Her body was sticky with perspiration and her clothes were caked with dust.
She glanced down at her clothes, covered with mud, and realized her face was also caked with slime.
Caked with mud, they both decided to walk to the house while Katie parked the car.
Crushed minerals, which are composed of larger particles, may rest on the skin's surface, creating a caked, unnatural look if the makeup is not properly applied.
White powder is advised, and can help ensure that your face looks authentically pale like a China doll and not liked you have makeup caked on.
For example, if your Sony camera sustained major water damage or if the interior of the camera was caked with soil or sand, it may be beyond repair.
A friend or family member's wedding is not the time for women to sport tight or revealing clothing, ultra high heels, or caked on makeup that calls attention to their appearance instead of to the bride and groom.
If the filters are caked over with dust, remove them and take them outside to clean them.
If you have caked on burns and ashes, you can grab a flat, old razor blade and remove it by scraping.
If your Venetian blinds are caked with dirt, dust and grime, then you will likely have to deep clean them in order to remove stains and sticky film.