A dead body; especially the corpse of a human to be dissected.
It was like the first time I saw a cadaver.
The gaps in these images are where the frozen cadaver was initially divided with a saw to produce portions of a more manageable size.
Cut to hilarious misunderstanding involving a shop-window mannequin and a cadaver.
You can X-ray a cadaver and then cut it open and find what the X-ray showed was there.
The time after death of the infected cadaver is also an important factor influencing the number infected.
Rather like the alleged alien cadaver itself, in fact.
Human cadaver dissection gives a fascinating insight into the spatial relationships of the structures within the human body.
Several hours elapsed post mortem before this cadaver was frozen and the colon is greatly distended with gas.
His motto, Perinde ac cadaver, expressed that recognition of absolutism which papacy and monarchy demanded for their consolidation (see Jesuits and Loyola).
Bone age assessments also have forensic application, such as estimating the chronological age of a cadaver.
Hollis et al (1995) studied 18 cadaver ankles.
He embraces, not her, but an... armless, elderly female cadaver (stolen by Doc from the college mortuary )!