A mix of discordant sounds; dissonance.
A cacophony of bleats, chomping and scuffling of hooves drowned out her words.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a cacophony of squawks and wings beating against the chicken coop walls.
We were greeted by a cacophony of sound as we entered the road.
There are alarm clocks that project the time, speak the time, make animal noises, jump or fly around, create a cacophony of noise and even make the tea!
It's fine, fine material, taking off for the stratosphere and leaving a vapor trail of melodic cacophony in its wake.
The multitude of creatures created a cacophony of calls that assaulted our ears.
Spring time brings a cacophony of birdsong which is particularly notable in the arboretum after the arrival of the migrant population.
These form a wonderful crazy cacophony which works amazingly well.
The spoken word is kept to an absolute minimum, defying the usual cacophony that one is used to within the Hollywood mainstream.
It 's fine, fine material, taking off for the stratosphere and leaving a vapor trail of melodic cacophony in its wake.
Suddenly there was a loud cacophony, a peal of organ music, the'mighty wind ' .
Sadly the CPAS logo on my chest didn't produce a cacophony of support.
And yet amidst this hideous visual cacophony, occasional insights can be observed; and these can be of an almost revelatory intensity.
She raised the amulet to stare at it, the cacophony around her rising as the excited inmates glimpsed their freedom.