A fur hat, usually with a plume in the front, worn by certain members of the military or brass bands.
He was educated at the school which he afterwards superintended for so long a period, and first signalized himself by gaining a king's scholarship. From Westminster Busby proceeded to Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated in 1628.
No school in England has on the whole produced so many eminent men as Westminster did under the regime of Busby.
Busby died in 1695, in his ninetieth year, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his effigy is still to be seen.
Many of Pell's manuscripts fell into the hands of Dr Busby, master of Westminster School, and afterwards came into the possession of the Royal Society; they are still preserved in something like forty folio volumes, which contain, not only Pell's own memoirs, but much of his correspondence with the mathematicians of his time.
In November 1903 a syndicate was of Grant (1575) was succeeded by that of Camden (1 595), founded mainly on a Paduan text-book, and apparently adopted in 1596 by Sir Henry Savile at Eton, where it long remained in use as the Eton Greek Grammar, while at Westminster itself it was superseded by that of Busby (1663).
He was educated at Westminster under Richard Busby and at Christ Church, Oxford.
He was educated at Coventry and later at Christ Church, Oxford, under Richard Busby.
The club became renowned for nurturing youthful talent starting with the famous ' Busby Babes ' .
She also felt she was being treated poorly by director Busby Berkley.