(especially in plural) A moustache, with whiskers on the cheeks but with no beard on the chin
The repulse of Burnside ended the battle.
General Burnside recommended him for promotion to the rank of major-general U.S.V., which was not however awarded to Humphreys until after Gettysburg.
After General Hooker succeeded Burnside, Butterfield was appointed chief of staff, Army of the Potomac, and in this capacity he served in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns.
Early on the 19th the corps of Sumner and Mansfield followed Hooker across the upper stream whilst McClellan's left wing (Burnside's corps) drew up opposite Lee's extreme right.
Burnside, on the southern wing, had received his orders late, and acted on them still later.
When on the point of resuming the offensive, McClellan was suddenly superseded by Burnside, one of his corps commanders.
Burnside was by no means the equal of his predecessor, though a capable subordinate, and indeed only accepted the chief command with reluctance.
When Burnside fought his battle of Fredericksburg (q.v.) an appalling reverse was the result, the more terrible as it was absolutely useless (December 13).
In Virginia Burnside had made, in January 1863, an attempt to gain by manoeuvre what he had missed in battle.
Burnside and the new Army of the Ohio had now cleared east Tennessee and occupied Knoxville (September 2), and meanwhile Rosecrans by a brilliant movement, in which he displayed no less daring in execution than skill in planning, once more manoeuvred Bragg out of his position and occupied Chattanooga.
Grant's triumph was decisive of the war in the west, and with Burnside's victory over Longstreet at Knoxville, the struggle for Tennessee was over.
Grant and Meade, reinforced by Burnside's IX.
On the 21st of May, with extraordinary pertinacity, he sent Meade and Burnside once more against the inner flank of the Army of northern Virginia.
On the 30th of July the Federal engineers exploded a mine under the hostile works, and Burnside's corps rushed to the assault.
The ironclad ram "Albemarle," built at Edwards' Ferry on the Roanoke river, had done considerable damage to the Federal vessels which, since Burnside's expedition to Newberne, had cruised in Albemarle Sound, and in 1864 a force of double-enders and gunboats, under Captain Melancton Smith, U.S.N., was given the special task of destroying the rebel ram.
Burnside took possession of Roanoke island on the North Carolina coast (7th February).
Round the city are many pleasant suburbs, connected with it by rail and tramways; the chief of these are Burnside, Beaumont, Unley, Mitcham, Goodwood, Plymton, Hindmarsh, Prospect, St Peters, Norwood and Kensington.
He took part in the West Virginia campaign of 1861, served in the Kanawha region, in supreme command after Rosecrans's relief in the spring, until August 1862, when his troops were ordered to join Burnside's 9th Corps in Virginia.
A further half mile of walking, tending downhill, brings you to the lone building of Burnside.
Vernon, Ohio, on the 1st of May against the war and military proceedings, was arrested on the 5th of May by General Burnside, tried by military commission, and sentenced on the 16th to imprisonment; a writ of habeas corpus had been refused, and the sentence was changed by the president to transportation beyond the military lines.