A tree or shrub of the genus Buddleja, especially Buddleja davidii, a large ornamental shrub whose lilac flowers attract butterflies.
Among the first wild shrubs and trees that are met with are the chilca (Baccharis Feuillei), with a pretty yellow flower, the Mutisia acuminata, with beautiful red and orange flowers, several species of Senecio, calceolarias, the Schinus molle, with its graceful branches and bunches of red berries, and at higher elevations the lambras (Alnus acuminata), the sauco (Sambucus peruviana), the quenuar (Buddleia incana), and the Polylepis racemosa.
The Buddleia, locally called oliva silvestre, flourishes at a height of 12,000 ft.
Colvillia racemosa, with yellow flowers; Astrapaea Wallichii, striking attention from its abundant flowers; and species of Cryptostegia, a purple-flowered creeper, and Strongylodon, another creeper with cream-coloured blossoms. Among attractive plants are species of Hibiscus, Euphorbia, Buddleia, Ixora, Kitchingia, Clematis, &c. On the east coast two orchids, species of Angraecum, with large white waxy flowers, one with an extraordinarily long spur or nectary, attract the attention of every traveller during June and July by their abundance and beauty.
The banks are full of wild plants including buddleia, thistles and nettles, all of which provide habitats for butterflies and other insects.
I first saw two of these on my dark purple buddleia mid-August.
I have just had butterfly visitors to my white buddleia only this week, up till then it was covered in bumble bees!
Very few have been seen this year, although September saw a surge in the numbers of Peacock Butterflies seen on garden buddleia bushes.
Shrubs come in all shapes and sizes -- Buddleia for butterflies, flowering currant, hebe and mahonia for bees.
Orange Ball Tree (Buddleia) - B. globosa is a favourite shrub from Chili, often seen in the southern coast gardens, where it is hardier, and in Ireland; the flowers, balls of bright yellow, are showy in early summer.