A meal eaten later in the day than breakfast and earlier than lunch, and often consisting of typical foods from both of those meals.
To eat brunch.
A white Brian Atwood clutch in supple kidskin leather would be perfect for summer brunches or spring picnics.
You may be tempted to choose the same recipes you'd make for brunches to celebrate other holidays, but it's not hard to pick more unique recipes that still aren't difficult to make.
Though it does involve some planning ahead, a quiche makes a good presentation and is a nice change from the traditional egg bakes, scrambled eggs, or omelets offered at most brunches.
Our guests got their brunches, champagne was opened and the reception began… As we circulated, one friend we had entrusted with the video camera said, "Hey, should I start shooting some video soon?"
Spirit of Chicago offers Mother's Day brunches complete with sightseeing and on-board entertainment.
Discounts available for brunches, dinners and buffets that are currently offered are included among the promotions.
Accessories like a bath robe or slippers are the ideal finishing touch for those lazy days of lounging around the house or fixing brunches.