A factory where bricks are produced or distributed
There are numerous brickyards, lime-kilns and flour-mills in the district neighbouring to Chatham; and the town carries on a large retail trade, in great measure owing to the presence of the garrison.
Treviso is the seat of various manufactures - ironworks and pottery, macaroni, cotton-spinning and rice-husking, paper, printing, brushes, brickyards, flourmills - and is the centre of a fertile district.
There are a large foundry and several large brickyards here.
There are steam flour mills, furniture factories and various other small manufactories; but the main economic interest of the city is in brickyards and coal-mines in its immediate vicinity.
Its industries include iron and steel works, breweries, distilleries and brickyards, and the manufacture of starch, sugar, malt, machinery and artificial manure.
He introduced and passed bills for the better protection of women and children in brickyards and for the limitation of their labours in factories;.
At twelve Paul worked as a kitchen boy and later was employed in local brickyards and shipyards.