Radiotherapy using radioactive sources positioned within (or close to) the treatment volume.
Brachytherapy using transrectal ultrasound guidance for seed implantation is promising in terms of freedom from biochemical failure in selected patients with early-stage prostate cancer.
Dundee One surgeon performing open radical prostatectomy; radical radiotherapy - external beam 50 gray in 20 fractions; brachytherapy referred to Edinburgh.
Advantages Hormone therapy shrinks the prostate gland and can be used to reduce the size of the gland before brachytherapy.
The center offer the full range of regional oncology services and some national services, including sarcoma, prostate brachytherapy and ophthalmic oncology.
In internal radiation (brachytherapy), radioactive liquid or pellets are delivered to the cancerous site via a pill, injection, or insertion in a sealed container.
Brachytherapy involves the application of radioactive material to the outer surface of the eye at the base of the tumor.
Chemotherapy is sometimes used to shrink tumors prior to other treatments such as radiation therapy or brachytherapy.
If the tumor is small enough, other therapies such as external beam radiation therapy, photocoagulation, cryotherapy, thermotherapy, chemotherapy, and brachytherapy may be considered.
Smaller, more localized tumors can sometimes be treated by local therapies such as cryotherapy, photocoagulation therapy, thermotherapy or brachytherapy.