A woman's private sitting room, dressing room, or bedroom.
Please go to my boudoir, Jellia, and get the white piglet I left on the dressing-table.
Bedroom vanities are an essential to any women's boudoir.
This is especially important for boudoir models with no previous modeling experience.
It's sexy enough for a formal wedding, yet could almost pair for the boudoir.
While in flower, orchids may with advantage be removed to a drier and cooler situation, and may be utilized in the drawing-room or boudoir.
When he described the scene to Cynthia later that night, she was dumbfounded that he hadn't burst into the boudoir and exposed the bloodied corpse of the dead acting sheriff that she was certain was reposing behind the closed door.
Quite a little boudoir really John is our carpenter.
Dedicated to all things decadent and indulgent, think burlesque, kitsch and sexy boudoir all rolled into one.
So the two went to the dressing-room of the Princess and searched carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir.
Romantic Style Bedroom - There are a few different ways you can inject a romantic feel into your boudoir.
There were many styles of electric table lamps by Aladdin, including Boudoir and Art Deco styles.
There are four main types of sexy photos which include glamour shots, boudoir pictures, suggestive shots and fully nude photos.
A boudoir photographer takes photos of women which will be shared in private and not placed in the family photo album.
Regardless, nude models are aware that the photos are meant to be sexy, and getting them to pose seductively isn't usually as difficult as it is for boudoir photographers.
The same is true for intimate glamour shots in which women have the option of posing with a friend or spouse in an effort to produce private boudoir shots.
All can bring that same touch of playfulness to your boudoir.
From there, you can sort through their designs and find the style that's perfect for your boudoir!
While they may not be the best for working out in (cotton absorbs more moisture), nor will they be as intimidating in the bedroom as leather, satin panties have their place in a boudoir stash.
Cupless bras are extremely sexy and not for the faint of heart, but if you are searching for that extra something to shake up your boudoir, this may just be your best bet!
The hypnotic nature of the fishnet pattern gets pumped up exponentially with open-crotch styling, and it's rather suited to the boudoir, too.
What is it about French sheer lingerie that turns any woman into the ultimate seductress in the boudoir?
Well, nobody said you couldn't dress up for certain boudoir activities.
We have a wide array of corsets and bustiers that are boudoir sexy or corsets that can be worn out on the town.
Of course we have bra and panty sets, sleepwear, loungewear, boudoir sets, bustier, girdles and foundations, garter belts, steel-boned corsets, hosiery, the list goes on.
We have fun and frilly things like feather hair clips, lace gloves, cocktail hats, feather boas, boudoir slippers and little necessities that add a glamorous touch.
They are hugely popular because they are so incredibly versatile both as a seductive boudoir piece and as a functional waist-slimming foundation under your clothing.
If cotton's still not your ideal type of sleepwear because you like to feel like a sex kitten in the boudoir, you can try a satin style.
The halter neck style makes this a fashion-forward choice for boudoir wear.
A pin stripe bustier can add a sexy component to either your boudoir or everyday wardrobe.
Men, if your ideal boudoir attire isn't the traditional silk boxers or even the occasional velvet pouch, you just need to learn to look in the right places.
A touch of frilly trim gives it a French boudoir vibe, and its colorful print has a softly psychedelic appeal.
They'll make you feel like a boudoir goddess.
A chemise that flatters your frame is the perfect pick for you to enjoy during the day or at home in the boudoir.
Shop at Kiki de Montparnasse if you want a bra just for the boudoir.
If it's a pair of stiletto heels you need to spice up that particular boudoir outfit, you might find it here among the fishnets, the leather, the vinyl, and the crotchless lingerie.
Not exactly handy enough with a needle and thread to create your own boudoir anime apparel?
Unfortunately, they have a bad reputation for being the farthest-from-sexy boudoir attire as well.
Bustiers look perfect in the boudoir when they are available with detachable garter straps.
For ladies who have a taste for the daring and the delectable, boudoir lingerie has you covered.
Styles for the boudoir, when it comes to cupless lingerie, will include pieces with lace or satin trim, shelf-cup bras in satin, velvet "frame" lingerie with gold zippers and lots of ribbons.
Basic styles are a good investment since they can be worn as layering pieces or boudoir items.
Nightgowns are dreamy when you find the right ones, however, and they are easily worn in all scenarios, from the everyday sleepytime to the boudoir fun.
Additionally, you might want to consider purchasing a robe with your gown, as this will help you to complete your entire boudoir ensemble.
The Conservatory is often built in connexion with the mansion, so as to be entered from the drawing-room or boudoir.
Besides including boudoir and t-shirt style bras, features sale pieces that are marked down at a lower-than-low clearance price...but you have to hope that you're the right size.
If you buy a body stocking in a fine black mesh, you can wear one in the boudoir, and then layer it underneath a mini and a top for a look that's similar to plain stockings and a bodysuit top.
Among his works, all of the type indicated, were Justine (1791), Juliette (1792), Philosophie dans le boudoir (1793) and Les Crimes de l'amour (1800).
Frilly boyshorts might seem impractical if you stick to jeans, but keep them in mind for both boudoir entertaining and for underneath high-volume skirts in navy, black, or dark pink.
While Mary was at supper, on the 9th of March, Darnley, with Ruthven, George Douglas and others, entered the boudoir in Holyrood, by his private stair, while Morton and his accomplices, mainly Douglases, burst in by way of the great staircase.