A particle with totally symmetric composite quantum states, which exempts them from the Pauli exclusion principle, and that hence obeys Bose-Einstein statistics. They have integer spin. Among them are many elementary particles, and some (gauge bosons) are known to carry the fundamental forces. Compare fermion.
A boatswain.
Particles with zero or integer spin are called bosons after Satyendra Bose, who together with Einstein described their kind of statistical mechanics.
The algorithm can also include dynamical bosons, again with any number of flavors.
Their properties were more like those of the photon, the graviton and the so-called weak gage bosons that carry the weak force.
The vector bosons themselves were observed directly in 1983.
A very interesting symmetry, called supersymmetry, is essentially the unique way to connect bosons with fermions, or equivalently forces with matter.
Deck bosons work closely with the mates and Captains as well as the rest of the crew.
This position requires excellent communication skills as bosons coordinate with Captains, mates and crew members.