A initiation ceremony for males among the Aborigines of New South Wales.
In Gujarat and other parts of western India are to be found classes of Moslems who differ somewhat from those met with elsewhere, such as Memans, Boras and Khojas.
At Boras, midway between the south end of Lake Vetter and the Cattegat, the average is 35.08 in., and 45.82 in.
The towns with a population exceeding 15,000 in 1900 are Stockholm (300,624), Gothenburg (130,609), Malmo (60,857), Norrkoping (41,008), Gefle (29,522), Helsingborg (24,670), Karlskrona (23,955), Jonkoping (23,143), Upsala (22,855), Orebro (22,013), Lund (16,621), Boras (15,837), Halmstad (15,362).
The principal centres of the textile industry are Norrkoping in Ostergotland and Boras in Elfsborg Lan, where there are weaving schools; and the industry is spread over Elfsborg Lan and the vicinity of Gothenburg.
Instead of simply bestowing his entire estate onto you, he has given all the riches to his ungrateful biological son, Lord Boras.