To create a bookmark.
This is where the phenomenon of social bookmarking comes into play.
As the range changes frequently it is worth bookmarking the site and checking back to keep up to date with the range.
Consider bookmarking these sites, as you may want to return often.
The standard version gives family and pedigree views, bookmarking capabilities and some charts.
Frames are also disadvantageous for usability as they can cause problems with the back button, printing, history and bookmarking.
Sesame Street also offers a neat function that allows you to save games your toddler likes to "My Street" which serves as an internal bookmarking system.
The range is constantly changing and it may be worth bookmarking the site for future visits.
What people forget when they sign up for a social bookmarking site is that they are sharing their personal profiles with countless strangers.
Digg is a social bookmarking site that allows users to endorse a website and pass it around to other Digg users.
With juggernauts like Digg and, it may seem silly to try and create your own social bookmarking site.
GetBoo - This is an example of an online social bookmarking platform (as is
With the boom in social networking, the new way for your site to gain traffic is for it to be listed in some of the most popular bookmarking sites.
Designed to work with the social bookmarking site Scuttle, it claims to be "designed to submit your domains to 1000's of Scuttle sites with ease."
The problem with Scuttlr and other forms of automated social bookmarking is that it takes the "social" part out of it.
There is no denying that social bookmarking takes time, and is sometimes tedious.
Just as a bookmark helps you keep your place in a print book, social bookmarking sites help you store Internet information.
Social bookmarking is also known as tagging.
You have probably used some form of bookmarking on your web browser.
Social bookmarking takes this one step further.
It allows you take the website and store it on social bookmarking sites, which can be shared with your friends.
Additionally, social bookmarking sites allow you to view the websites that your friends have bookmarked.
Social bookmarking has many benefits for anyone with a commercial website.
By submitting your web page to a bookmarking site, it has a much better chance of being picked up by the search engines.
While there are many bookmarking sites in cyberspace, some are more effective than others.
Digg is interesting because it combines social bookmarking with social networking by allowing readers can comment on articles and vote on their quality. was actually the first social bookmarking site.
Technorati is a social bookmarking website whose major focus is media-related topics.
As such, it's an excellent site for bookmarking photos, videos and audio files.
In fact, social bookmarking is quickly becoming one of the most popular web 2.0 social networking tools.
Social bookmarking is easy to use and does not require any advanced technical skills.
Some social bookmarking websites allow users to rate the quality of the submitted content.
While there are hundreds of social bookmarking sites on the Internet, the following sites have the greatest number of users.
Some social bookmarking sites, such as You Blogged are specifically geared towards bloggers.Choosing a social bookmarking service is akin to choosing a display cabinet for your home.
Before you submit to a social bookmarking website, be sure to read the content that is already on the site.
Even if you are not attempting to monetize your blog, submitting it to social bookmarking websites may leave you open to spammers, stalkers and people who love to make nasty comments.
Some people simply prefer to place social bookmarking icons on their website.
In other words, rather than spending time submitting to social bookmarking sites, they leave it up to their readers to share their content.
Since many bookmarking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon will penalize or possibly ban you for constantly submitting your own work, allowing your readers to do this might be a good idea.
Some web graphic designers will even provide you with free, social bookmarking icons.
When used properly, free social bookmarking sites are a great way to build community on the Internet.
Before you embrace automated social bookmarking applications, you may want to think about whether they are actually a web 2.0 form of social media spam.
Social bookmarking is an integral part of the new "web of conversations" going on every day on the Internet.
Social bookmarking takes this into the realm of human interaction.
Digg, for example, is one of the most popular bookmarking site.
Another form of bookmarking is
Like many social bookmarking sites, these pages have RSS feeds that allow people to follow multiple accounts.
There are dozens of social bookmarking sites out there, from the big dogs like Digg to smaller newcomers like Scuttle.
And that's where automated social bookmarking tools take aim and threaten, at times, to ruin the whole system.
However, it is true that submitting a link you do like to all the social bookmarking sites can be time consuming.
If you're a local politician it might be better to use a tool like Delicious to figure out what people in the local area are bookmarking.