The trunk or stem of a tree.
Any of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually coloured red by iron oxide, and composed essentially of hydrous silicates of alumina, or more rarely of magnesia.
(colour) The shade of reddish brown which resembles this clay.
A bolus; a dose.
An aperture with a shutter in the wall of a house, to admit air or light.
A small closet.
The rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plant.
An old dry measure equal to six bushels.
A further six tree boles were recorded within Intervention 18.
Without being very plentiful anywhere, it is generally distributed in suitable localities throughout its range - those localities being such as afford it a sufficient supply of food, consisting during the greater part of the year of insects, which it diligently seeks on the boles and larger limbs of old trees; but in autumn and winter it feeds on nuts, beech-mast, the stones of yew-berries and hard seeds.
Bark has almost square plates as in U. procera, but still vertically fissured; large boles are fluted (Mitchell, 1974 ).
Down the faster runs and chutes, artfully wedged pine boles clog the current with trouty habitat.
Upper Basalt Formation Comprise a crudely-bedded succession of lava flows, columnar jointed lava flows, ash-falls and red-weathered horizons (or boles ).
Many of the Dartmoor farms still have old granite bee boles in situ.