A localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection.
Go and get the samovar to boil for your grandfather.
At a boiling heat, zinc chloride dissolves in any proportion of water, and highly concentrated solutions, of course, boil at high temperatures; hence they afford a convenient medium for the maintenance of high temperatures.
Make sure that the pan does not boil dry.
An /,, B other method is to boil one FIG.
In the old days there was a hand pump in the kitchen and no hot water you didn't boil yourself.
In the one case they are entirely restricted to the neighbourhood of the boil or ulcer, whereas in the other there is a general infection of the body, the organisms spreading to all parts and being met with in the spleen, liver, bone-marrow, &c., and (rarely) in the peripheral circulation.
The Diarbekr boil is like the "Aleppo button," lasting a long time and leaving a deep scar.
Having no metal or other vessels in which to boil water, all cooking is done by baking, generally in holes in the ground.
Place over a medium heat and bring to a gentle boil.
Boil the sugar to a golden caramel, add the lemon juice and a little water.
We now can't boil water or grill anything.
The sight of her with a gun to her head the day before made his blood boil as much as the thought of her in his bed.
Formerly the pans were heated by open firing from below; but now the almost universal practice is to boil by steam injected from perforated pipes coiled within the pan, such injection favouring the uniform heating of the mass and causing an agitation favourable to the ultimate mixture and saponification of the materials.
The latter are circular or rectangular vessels, holding from 500 to 1500 gallons each, according to the capacity of the factory, and fitted with steam coils at the bottom and skimming troughs at the top. In them the syrup is quickly brought up to the boil and skimmed for about five minutes, when it is run off to the service tanks of the vacuum pans.
On the other hand, the advocates of admitting the feed into a vacuum pan in many minute streams appeal rather to the ignorant and incompetent sugarboiler than to a man who, knowing his business thoroughly, will boil 150 tons of hot raw sugar in a pan in a few hours, feeding it through a single pipe and valve io in.
Nevertheless, it has been found in practice, when syrups with low quotient of purity and high quotient of impurity are being treated, injecting the feed at a number of different points in the pan does reduce the time required to boil the pan, though of no practical advantage with syrups of high quotient of purity and free from the viscosity which impedes circulation and therefore quick boiling.
The wholesale jam manufacturers of the present day use this sugar; they boil the jam in vacuo and secure a product that will last a long time without deteriorating, but it lacks the delicacy and distinctive flavour of fruit preserved by a careful housekeeper, who boils it in an open pan with cane sugar to a less density, though exposed for a short time to a greater heat.
After this treatment, the mixture is run into lead-lined vats and treated with sulphuric acid, steam is blown through the mixture in order to bring it to the boil, and the anthracene is rapidly oxidized to anthraquinone.
The fundamental idea of Soxhlet's method for sterilizing milk is to boil it for forty minutes in small bottles holding just enough for one meal, and closing the same with an impervious stopper, which is only removed just before use.
They are mostly colourless liquids which boil without decomposition, or solids of low melting point.
Three minutes before the pasta is cooked, tip broccoli in and continue to boil.
Pour the stock over them, bring to the boil and cook until the stock begins to thicken and go glossy.
When the water reaches a rolling boil, cook the gnocchi in batches.
Even popping out to boil water for the coffee is to risk being attacked by helicopter gunships.
Bring the soup back to the boil and then add the kale and sausage and simmer for around 5 minutes.
A saucepan takes much longer to boil the same amount of water than an electric kettle.
If you're using kidney beans let them boil hard for ten minutes.
Steel is longer lasting, won't potentially leach chemicals into the water and you can boil as little as you want.
In would go the ' whites ', bed-linen, tablecloths etc. for a good old boil.
Bring to the boil then whisk in the butter.
Bring a large pan of acidulated water to a hard boil and add the drained celeriac.
In the morning the fire was not big enough to boil two kettles, so we used the gas burner.
Sizes may vary from vendor to vendor depending on what is in-stock, but overall, your choice of where to shop will most likely boil down to shipping costs, return policies, or the other items available that you can buy at the same time.
Bring to a boil, turn down the stove and simmer for 30 minutes.
Bring everything to a boil on the stovetop, then put a top on it and simmer for 25 - 30 minutes.
You can boil a meat and some rice together, and then add in a vegetable and a fruit near the end to create a nutritious recipe.
Add all ingredients except the taurine to a pan and bring to a boil.
Place all ingredients except taurine in a pan and bring to a boil.
Sometimes an infected bite can abscess and actually puff up with a growth that looks like a large pimple or boil.
Add a one to one ratio of water and sugar into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
Bring these ingredients to a boil, and then turn the burner down to a simmer and stir occasionally.
Bring them to a boil and simmer them over moderate heat until they are reduced by half, or approximately 15 minutes.
When you boil it down to the basics, eco communities really serve two purposes.
Bring water to a boil and remove from heat.
You can grind ginger down, boil it, make it into a medicinal herb tincture or distil it into a helpful essential oil.
To use tea tree oil on a boil, you can either place a few drops of oil directly onto the boil, or create a hot compress to draw out the infection.
Wring out the excess moisture, and keep the cloth against the boil for ten minutes.
Hold the hot compress onto the boil for 10 minutes every hour.
Dry the area thoroughly and apply ichthammol salve to the boil.
The boil should come to a head or heal on its own quickly once you apply the salve.