A goblin; a frightful spectre or phantom; a bogy or bugbear.
Two English missions sent by Warren Hastings to Tibet, one led by George Bogle in 1774, and the other by Captain Turner in 1783, complete Tibetan exploration in the 18th century.
George Bogle of Daldowie died in 1782, and was succeeded in it by his son Robert, who died there unmarried in 1808.
Huntly Banks, where "true Thomas" lay and watched the queen's approach, is half a mile west of the Eildon Tree Stone, and on the west side of the hills is Bogle Burn, a streamlet that feeds the Tweed and probably derives its name from his ghostly visitor.
A gorgeous limited edition porcelain votive holder featuring the Native American artwork of Lee Bogle on one side and a traditional blessing on the reverse side.
The first Englishman to enter Tibet was George Bogle, a writer of the East India Company, in 1774, on an embassy from Warren Hastings to the Tashi lama of Shigatse.
Samuel Turner was despatched on a mission similar to that of Bogle, and reached Shigatse.