An omen; a foreshadowing.
A bid; an offer.
A messenger; a herald.
A stop; a halting; delay.
The episode also provides a rather good alien spacecraft which certainly bodes well for the return of Doctor Who in 2005.
It all bodes well for the album ' Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants ' which is due on the 28th February.
To hear the cuckoo on ones right hand side bodes well for the rest of the year.
It all bodes ill for United's survival prospects, and has sparked a fresh spate of slating on the club's fans forum.
That bodes well for the entrepreneurial spirit that has made our nation great.
It bodes well for the long list of China IPOs waiting in the wings.
This way, you'll feel more confident, and when you feel confident, you look it, and that bodes well for your suit!