Various flowering plants with blue, usually pendulous, flowers.
Ground flora includes wood anemone, bluebell and wild garlic.
Other species that commonly occur include great wood-rush Luzula sylvatica, bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta, wood anemone Anemone nemorosa and ramsons allium ursinum.
Ground flora includes dog's mercury, bluebell, primrose and wood avens.
This strategy is common among plants of the woodland floor that includes bluebell.
For example the plant the English call a bluebell is not the same one the Scots call a bluebell!
In Scotland, its name is wild hyacinth and, to a Scot, ' bluebell ' means a completely unrelated plant!
Habitats such as rhos pasture, heaths, wetlands and bluebell woods remain part of the everyday local environment in many Valleys communities.
In the drier areas you can find foxglove, wood sage, bluebell and other woodland species.
Notable plants include sneezewort, star sedge, harebell and bluebell with locally rare lesser skullcap being of particular interest.