In a blank manner, especially showing no emotion or expression.
In her room, she stared blankly at her book.
Sofia waited, staring blankly at the football game on TV.
Rhyn looked at him blankly then said.
He looked at her blankly.
He stared at her blankly.
Sofia lay on the cold steel table, her tears still wet but her eyes open and staring blankly.
There were fifty pairs of eyes staring blankly at me.
He opened his eyes and stared at her blankly.
She stared at him blankly.
An individual having a petit mal seizure becomes very quiet and may blink, stare blankly, roll the eyes, or move the lips.
Lydia just glanced at her blankly and turned her attention to Dean.
He stared at her blankly for a second and then smiled with comprehension.
When she continued to stare at him blankly, he shook his head in disbelief.