A mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, produced by anaerobic digestion of organic waste matter, used as a fuel
Also, the feed is mainly composed of food waste, which has a relatively high biogas yield per ton.
Cattle dung is no longer stored in the home, but is fed directly to the biogas digester along with toilet waste.
Meanwhile, another form of agricultural feedstock for heating, biogas, seems to gain little encouragement from the Report.
Why has it not produced affordable domestic appliances that use biogas or solar energy?
The clean biogas is then stored at pressure for use in the fuel cell.
Landfill Gas The potential to harvest biogas from landfill waste has been harnessed in sites around the world.
Waste paper, not included in this chart, is also a good substrate for generating biogas.
In the very extreme cases all the produced biogas has to be used for this heating.
As the boiler burns biogas, a proportion of its output would be converted to electricity, while the rest heats the home.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
The biogas produced can either support the process or be converted into electricity using a suitable prime mover or generation plant.
Biogas energy also enables farmers to process their produce for preservation and added value, reducing spoilage and increasing the overall benefits.
The large plant is costly, while the biogas yield is relatively small per ton of wet feed.