Of or pertaining to bibliography.
Click on the OK button to close the Bibliographic data window.
See the article by C. Kohler in La Grande Encyclopedic; Bibliographic du Velay (1902), 640-650.
It is littered with basic presentational errors such as missing or incorrect bibliographic details, spelling errors and at least five unexplained acronyms.
Bibliographic information embedded in the publication is considered more authoritative.
The Dublin Core community has not yet investigated encoding bibliographic citations for other genre.
National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation.
Bibliographic databases These allow you to find library materials that you cannot find on OLIS, e.g.
Full bibliographic references are provided, as is a table on the pharmacokinetic parameters for this drug.
Password access British Education Index Bibliographic references to British and selected European English-language periodicals in the field of education and training, from 1975.
The resource contains several chapters that highlight the most current information available (very often containing bibliographic references ).
The resource contains several chapters that highlight the most current information available (very often containing bibliographic references).
The bibliographic search and retrieval protocol could come in very useful for some Headline purposes.
SeqAnalRef is a bibliographic reference data bank for papers dealing with sequence analysis.
The bibliography of Voltaire is a very large subject, and it has been the special occupation of a Rumanian diplomatist of much erudition and judgment, Georges Bengesco, Bibliographic de Voltaire (4 vols., Paris, 1882-90).
Dieterich, which has appeared annually since 1896, describes about 1300 periodicals (mostly scientific) by subjects and titles; from 1900 it has been supplemented by Bibliographic der deutschen Recensionen, which indexes notices and reviews in over moo serials each year, chiefly scientific and technical.