(especially in combination) A univalent radical formally derived from benzoic acid, C6H5CO-, by removal of the hydroxyl group
However, in 1833, Berzelius reverted to his earlier opinion that oxygenated radicals were incompatible with his electrochemical theory; he regarded benzoyl as an oxide of the radical C 14 H 1Q, which he named " picramyl " (from 7rucp6s, bitter, and &uvyalk, almond), the peroxide being anhydrous benzoic acid; and he dismissed the views of Gay Lussac and Dumas that ethylene was the radical of ether, alcohol and ethyl chloride, setting up in their place the idea that ether was a suboxide of ethyl, (C2H5)20, which was analogous to K 2 0, while alcohol was an oxide of a radical C 2 H 6; thus annihilating any relation between these two compounds.
Similarly he represented the reactions investigated by Liebig and Wehler on benzoyl compounds as double decompositions.
With sodium ethylate in ethyl acetate solution it forms the sodium derivative of benzoyl acetone, from which benzoyl acetone, C6H5.CO.CH2.CO.CH3, can be obtained by acidification with acetic acid.
In 1832 he published, jointly with Willer, one of the most famous papers in the history of chemistry, that on the oil of bitter almonds (benzaldehyde), wherein it was shown that the radicle benzoyl might be regarded as forming an unchanging constituent of a long series of compounds obtained from oil of bitter almonds, throughout which it behaved like an element.
Berzelius hailed this discovery as marking the dawn of a new era in organic chemistry, and proposed for benzoyl the names "Proin" or "Orthrin" (from irpcoi and dpOpus).
An alternative method consists in converting it into ethyl benzoate by shaking with benzoyl chloride and caustic soda.
One of the earliest, if not the earliest, was the investigation, published in 1830, which proved the polymerism of cyanic and cyanuric acid, but the most famous were those on the oil of bitter almonds (benzaldehyde) and the radicle benzoyl (1832), and on uric acid (1837), which are of fundamental importance in the history of organic chemistry.
Benzamide, C 6 H 5 CONH 2, is prepared by the action of benzoyl chloride on ammonia or ammonium carbonate, or from ethyl benzoate and ammonia.
It may be prepared by distilling calcium benzoate; by condensing benzene with benzoyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride; by the action of mercury diphenyl on benzoyl chloride, or by oxidizing diphenylmethane with chromic acid.
The alkaloid is a strong base and is very readily oxidized; chromic acid converts it into normal butyric acid and ammonia; hydrogen peroxide gives aminopropylvalerylaldehyde, NH 2 CH(C 3 11 7) (CH2)3 CHO, whilst the benzoyl derivative is oxidized by potassium permanganate to benzoyl-a-aminovaleric acid, C 6 H 5 CO NH CH(C 3 H 7) (CH 2)3 COOH.
First line treatment for acne includes creams or gels containing the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide, which is available from chemists.
Apply a benzoyl peroxide cream daily to the affected areas.
Acetyl and benzoyl derivatives of nicotine on hydrolysis do not yield nicotine, but an isomeric, inactive oily liquid (metanicotine).
Chem., 1832, 3, p. 2 49) is to be regarded as a most important contribution to the radical theory, for it was shown that a radical containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which they named benzoyl (the termination yl coming from the Gr.
Pat skin dry with a clean, soft towel and follow up with a medicine that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Studies indicate that tea tree oil was as effective as benzoyl peroxide products.
Treatment for mild noninflammatory acne consists of reducing the formation of new comedones with medications including topical tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, or salicylic acid.
A combination of topical benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin is also very effective.
For example, lotions, soaps, gels, and creams containing substances called benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin may be used to clear up mild to moderately severe acne.
Benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin work by mildly irritating the skin.
Benzoyl peroxide also kills bacteria, which helps prevent whiteheads and blackheads from turning into pimples.
Benzoyl peroxide is found in many over-the-counter acne products that are applied to the skin, such as Benoxyl, Neutrogena Acne, PanOxyl, and some formulations of Clean & Clear, Clearasil, and Oxy.
Some benzoyl peroxide products are available without a physician's prescription; others require a prescription.
Because antiacne drugs such as benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin irritate the skin slightly, users should avoid doing anything that might cause further irritation.
If benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin make the skin too red or too dry or cause too much peeling, the user should check with a physician.
Benzoyl peroxide can irritate the skin of people with skin of color and cause darkened spots called hyperpigmentation on the skin.
Benzoyl peroxide may discolor hair or colored fabrics.
Anyone who has had unusual reactions to etretinate, isotretinoin, tretinoin, vitamin A preparations, or benzoyl peroxide in the past should let the physician know before using an antiacne drug.
Teens who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should check with a physician before using tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide.
Benzoyl peroxide is safe to use during pregnancy, but the American Pregnancy Association suggests avoiding products that contain salicylic acid.
Use acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for the best results.
The secret to the product's effectiveness is salicylic acid in the cleanser and benzoyl peroxide in the toner; both decrease inflammation, reduce redness and minimize the occurrence of breakouts.
Benzoyl peroxide helps remove excess oil and also kills P. acnes.
Many experts tell adults to avoid benzoyl peroxide for these reasons.
Physicians can prescribe benzoyl peroxide in higher concentrations, which may provide the effectiveness some acne sufferers need.
The most common over-the-counter choices for acne problems are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
Salicylic acid is usually found in a gel or serum, while benzoyl peroxide is typically found in a cream.
Benzoyl peroxide prescriptions are highter in strength than products available over-the-counter.
Acne face cream usually contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent such as tea tree oil.
Some creams, such as benzoyl peroxide, can be very drying, so it is essential to have a good face care regimen and proper moisturizers for acne-prone skin.
Regular cleansing with products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to kill acne causing bacteria is important for acne treatment.
Many acne treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, started off as something that could only be acquired via prescription.
Most over-the-counter topical treatments include benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin or erythromycin.
These products often contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which help treat pimples and prevent future outbreaks.
Consider a moisturizer for day use that includes benzoyl peroxide.
Benzoyl Peroxide - This acne treatment comes in an effective cream that dries up acne.
Combination skin types should use a benzoyl cream with a 2.5 percent concentration to keep skin from becoming overly dry.
Dab the benzoyl cream on the breakouts and smooth it on your face.
Cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide have shown results in some sufferers.
It also tends to be gentler than some other popular acne medications, such as benzoyl peroxide.