A flying insect, of the clade Anthophila within the hymenopteran superfamily Apoidea, known for its organised societies (though only a minority have them), for collecting pollen and (in some species) producing wax and honey.
I have been in Paris.
The battle had been raging for some time.
You've been a very good girl.
His little army had been beaten and scattered.
She was uneasy because she had never been on a plane before.
I have not been sick at all.
We've been away for a long time, you know, and so we're anxious to get home again.
Where in the world have you been, my lad?
He has been called the Father of his Country.
May each evening see that all thy wishes have been performed.
What have you been after?
He and Uncle Hugson have been having a fine visit.
We've been married for nearly five years, and we just made love.
Gilbert de Lafayette's father and grandfather and great-grandfather had all been brave and noble men.
The little chest that held his clothing had been carried down to the bank.
Maybe Katie wasn't the only one who had been overlooked by Señor Medena when it came to inheritance.
He began to ask about his enemies who had been hunting him.
It was recognized as the flu, although records describe conditions which were highly likely to have been polio.
Lately she has been much interested in colour.
There has been much discussion of such of Miss Sullivan's statements and explanations as have been published before.
She had evidently been reading, and fallen asleep.
But scientists have been busy sequencing all manner of things.
Well... they had been flirting with each other in the car.
It's been almost a week.
He was a great hunter, I have been told, and a celebrated shot.
He has been set down.
They had never been anywhere else overnight together.
We've been sitting here too long!
These were two Frenchmen who had been hiding in the forest.
She's been sleeping a lot.
We've been in the dark quite a while, and you may as well explain what has happened.
They were angry because their plans had been discovered.
If he had been the only child in the family, things might have been different.
That should have been the end of it, right?
When has starting a business been so easy?
These same questions had been asked me a hundred times by the learned doctors.
But then, Alex had always been fluent in pretty talk.
You've been a comfort to me.
If you hadn't happened to find the piglet, Eureka would surely have been executed.
He had had a short illness, there had been a brief time of acute suffering, then all was over.
And yet, in a way, waiting this long might have been an advantage.
Water would have been her choice.
More like Dulce has been talking to me.
Do you think everything they have done has been with the single ambition of getting third-party information out of you?
Mom said Dad hasn't been feeling well, and he won't go to the doctor.
This has been a common situation throughout areas with high degrees of poverty and is certainly the case in Ethiopia.
His day had already been disrupted enough.
I've been sitting right over there.
We've been on the same stage since Ashley.
The records may have been destroyed.