A person who maintains hives and keeps bees, especially for the production of honey.
The beekeeper opens the lower part of the hive and peers in.
A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey.
Instead of moving upstairs, and in spite of letting her Signor do her favors, she marries the local beekeeper.
The beekeeper opens the upper part of the hive and examines the super.
If you phone our office we may be able to contact a local beekeeper for you who may be interested.
The other, which is sealed, is being removed by the beekeeper.
This is an introductory course led by an experienced beekeeper.
People would go to their local beekeeper who would isolate bees from the hive to sting them several times over a course of weeks.
If you have a local beekeeper, check to see if he or she makes candles from beeswax - you can often get discounts when you place bulk orders in advance.
Results like the above compared with those of the skeppist beekeeper of former days, who was well pleased with an average of 20 to 25 lb per hive, may be regarded as wonderful, but they are matters of fact.
He is the only commercial beekeeper in Derby, selling the by-products of his 40 colonies of two million bees directly to the public.
The problem for the beekeeper is that this store of honey is often unfinished, or blemished in some way making it unsaleable.
The bees do not fly in the same way, the smell and the sound that meet the beekeeper are not the same.
The beekeeper closes the hive, chalks a mark on it, and when he has time tears out its contents and burns it clean.