A bedroom.
The bedchamber was silent.
The Other's bedchamber had been empty, as if the otherworldly creature was permanently gone.
A look around her bedchamber with its black, stone walls, ceiling and floor revealed nothing remotely edible.
The bedchamber was done up in pastels, soft rose drapes, light blue and green rugs, yellow pillows and highlights, which seemed to take the chill out of the stone walls.
They strode through the bedchamber to a small living room to the side with a flat-screen TV and comfortable-looking couch.
She closed the door behind them in the massive bedchamber that was hers and whirled.
In Hell, the Immortal Jade, formerly the most trusted lieutenant to the leader of the Council That Was Seven, looked around his new bedchamber with a shiver.
He.d decided to sleep in here last night, unable to sleep in his bedchamber with the thought of Iliana.s body in the trunk beside the bed.
Toby had tons of them in his small bedchamber off hers.
Kris crossed to his burnt-out bedchamber and dug through a trunk in the closet.
Frederick found suitable clothing for his guests and in turn, they each retired to the one bedchamber of the cottage to wash and change.
Taran stepped into a cavernous bedchamber lit by low burning hearths and scented by the white flowers sitting in each window.
Sensing her growing distress, Taran crossed to the door leading from the bedchamber into the hallway and opened it.
Barring her door, she then crossed to the spare bedchamber.
Rissa hurried back to the second bedchamber and withdrew an empty bladder from a crate.
He rose and carried her into her bedchamber, resting her on her bed.
There's a barrel in the bedchamber.
Both bowed, and he stepped aside as they entered the bedchamber.
Instead, he returned to the bedchamber and breathed deeply, calmed by her scent.
Wearied, saddened, he retreated to his bedchamber.
On the first presentation to her of Lady Castlemaine, Charles's mistress en titre, whom he insisted on making lady of her bedchamber, she fainted away.
On the 31st of August he seemed to rally, and one who slept in his bedchamber and who heard him praying, declared, "a public spirit to God's cause did breathe in him to the very last."
His relative James Stanhope (afterwards first Earl Stanhope), the king's favourite minister, procured for him the place of gentleman of the bedchamber to the prince of Wales.
On his return to Russia he served for two years without any salary as chief gentleman of the Bedchamber at the court of Anne of Courland, and in 1721 succeeded Vasily Dolgoruki as Russian minister at Copenhagen.
He had resided in England since the rebellion of 1745, and in 1747, a downpour of rain having prevented the departure of Frederick, prince of Wales, from the Egham races, Bute was summoned to his tent to make up a whist party; he immediately gained the favour of the prince and princess, became the leading personage at their court, and in 1750 was appointed by Frederick a lord of his bedchamber.
He was appointed a privy councillor, groom of the stole and first gentleman of the bedchamber, and though merely an irresponsible confidant, without a seat in parliament or in the cabinet, he was in reality prime minister, and the only person trusted with the king's wishes and confidence.
The In February 1839 this young lady, a daughter of the "Bed- marquis of Hastings, and a maid of honour to the chamber duchess of Kent, was accused by certain ladies of Plat' the bedchamber of immoral conduct.
Sir Robert was ready to form a cabinet in which the duke of Wellington, Lords Lyndhurst, Aberdeen and Stanley, and Sir James Graham would have served; but he stipulated that the mistress of the robes and the ladies of the bedchamber appointed by the Whig administration should be removed, and to this the queen would not consent.
The ladies of the bedchamber were so unpopular in consequence of their behaviour to Lady Flora Hastings that the public took alarm at the notion that the queen had fallen into the hands of an intriguing coterie; and Lord Melbourne, who was accused of wishing to rule on the strength of court favour, resumed office with diminished prestige.
Within a few months of this culminating triumph, she was threatened with utter ruin by the discovery of a supposed liaison with her gentleman of the bedchamber, William Mons, a handsome and unscrupulous upstart, and the brother of a former mistress of Peter.
She brought him no children, and her attractions for Charles were inferior to those of his mistress, Lady Castlemaine, whom she was compelled to receive as a lady of her bedchamber.
Fawkes was brought into the king's bedchamber, where the ministers had hastily assembled, at one o'clock.
In 1751 he became lord-lieutenant of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire and a lord of the bedchamber, and in 1760 was made a knight of the Garter.
Her bedchamber was half the size of a small house, with a domed ceiling replete with vibrant paintings of the sun progressing across the sky.
He drew a dagger, never certain what to expect from the queen of Tiyan, and pushed open the door to the second bedchamber.
He frowned, aware he had not pursued the reason the other bedchamber smelled of blood.
The second bedchamber smelled of blood, the bathing chamber of jasmine.
He crossed to the second bedchamber and flung open the door to the wardrobe that smelled of blood.
Tho the queen will, if these fools do not call upon me. ' A thin, round-shouldered priest left the queen's bedchamber.
The people could see the bedchamber, its room which knows no daylight.
Repeat this to Enlil in the privacy of his holy bedchamber.
Visitors can view the apartments, halls and terraces of the harem, and see the lavish royal bedchamber and Imperial Hall.
In the Medieval Palace, see Edward I's own bedchamber to see his splendid bed with heraldic hangings and green star-spangled bedposts.
Sarah Churchill became Anne's lady of the bedchamber, and, by the latter's desire to mark their mutual intimacy and affection, all deference due to her rank was abandoned and the two ladies called each other Mrs Morley and Mrs Freeman.
He had Pierre at hand in Moscow and procured for him an appointment as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, which at that time conferred the status of Councilor of State, and insisted on the young man accompanying him to Petersburg and staying at his house.
Others may imitate the canopied structure of a royal bedchamber.
What he was in their insulated world in the bedchamber was far removed from what he was outside.
I'll do as you ask, if you can make it to our bedchamber by the count of five.
The colors of the mortal world were brilliant, the light in her bedchamber blinding her.
Hurrying through the brightest doorway, she recognized the massive bedchamber where she'd left Katie and Toby.