Having been recognized and declared, by the church, that a deceased has entered heaven; having attained this step in the process of canonization.
To make blissful.
To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness.
To carry out the third of four steps in canonization, making someone a blessed.
More was beatified by Leo XIII.
In 1886 Story was beatified by papal decree.
What is it? he asked, but his comrade was already galloping off past Vasili the Beatified in the direction from which the screams came.
He was beatified by Benedict XIII.
Eventually a new commission was issued in 1656, and on its report, into which were inserted nineteen of the former depositions, the "servant of God" was beatified in 1661.
On the 9th of December 1886 he was beatified by Pope Leo XIII.
He was beatified in 1674 and canonized on the 27th of December 1726.
He died on the 16th of September 1450, and was beatified by Pope Clement VII.
He was beatified in 1622, and he is commemorated on the 16th of November.
He was honoured as a saint immediately after his death, and beatified by Pius IX.
If we turn his compound designation into English, it runs thus - "the Beatified Friar John the Angelic of Fiesole."
In his lifetime he was known no doubt simply as Fra Giovanni or Friar John; "The Angelic" is a laudatory term which was assigned to him at an early date, - we find it in use within thirty years after his death; and, at some period which is not defined in our authorities, he was beatified by due ecclesiastical process.
He was beatified by Leo XIII.
He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII.
While the troops, dividing into two parts when passing around the Kremlin, were thronging the Moskva and the Stone bridges, a great many soldiers, taking advantage of the stoppage and congestion, turned back from the bridges and slipped stealthily and silently past the church of Vasili the Beatified and under the Borovitski gate, back up the hill to the Red Square where some instinct told them they could easily take things not belonging to them.