To sew with long or loose stitches, as for temporary use, or in preparation for gathering the fabric.
Melt the seasoned butter in the microwave and thoroughly baste the lobster tails.
Baste the quilt or pin it with large safety pins to ensure it does n't move.
Baste the quilt or pin it with large safety pins to ensure it doesn't move.
Of course, you can always baste a turkey yourself with the drippings, oil, or butter.
To make the skin crispy on a turkey, wait until the last 45 minutes of cooking and baste the turkey with butter and place it in your regular oven.
Typically, the only time you should open the grill or rotisserie is to baste the chicken or use a meat thermometer.
Baste all the layers together in a large X with a colorful thread that shows up well.
Baste the flesh-side of the lobster again and grill for an additional three to six minutes or until the lobster meat is firm and opaque, but not dry.
Remove lobster tails from grill, baste with seasoned butter, and allow to cool slightly before serving.
Because the grill's coals burn slowly, they allow the meats to baste in their natural juices for a longer time making them more succulent.
You can baste the trim and bells to your bra and panties and even make a matching headdress.