One who tends a bar or pub; a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar.
The bartender should be here any minute.
She lands a job as a bartender, where she meets Claudia Joy, a mother of two girls, who gave up a future career in law when she married her husband Colonel Michael Holden.
They made their way to the back of the bar where the bartender stood as if waiting for a bus.
Neither of the customers nor the bartender had so much as noticed him leave his seat.
All the Guardians, like me and Sean, your bartender friend in that pub where we met, lost our magic.
Close-up magic and flair bartending (bottle juggling) performed by our international award winning magical bartender.
They had almost finished their drinks when the pretty bartender leaned over, a little closer than necessary, displaying her ample cleavage.
The only customers were two paint-splattered workmen arguing baseball with the bartender, an overweight bald man in a wrinkled apron.
The bartender let out a yell and one of the painters knocked his beer flying as he turned to the commotion.
Fred was still hanging on to the trashcan when the bartender, two painters and Dean, still nursing his head and his elbow, reached him.
I saved your seat! the bartender called as she entered.
If you think youâre overdosing or got bad pills, tell a bartender.
She sees the bartender in a pool of blood, Cries out, " My God, they killed them all!
He pushed the bartender out and closed the door on him.
Make easy money, be a certified, professional bartender.
The United Kingdom bartenders Guild offers two Levels bar training courses aimed at both the younger and the more experienced bartender.
The first pint out was bad, but it was exchanged with no problem by the friendly bartender for fresh pints.
Her exploration involves the personal story of Vassilis, a young male bartender in the tourist town of Hania, Crete.
The bartender apologized, saying that they no longer served absinthe.
The ingredients for a Cosmopolitan cocktail are not complicated or difficult to mix even for a fledgling bartender.
One handy bartender's tip is to squeeze a larger quantity of lime juice and freeze it in ice cube trays.
Keep in mind, there are many ways to go about this, and one bartender might argue with another over the topic.
Whether you're a bartender or you're just a popular at-home mixologist, it pays to have the recipes for some popular mixed drinks memorized.
I got there a little early so I talked to the bartender, who used to be a stripper, about classic Russian authors and Hemingway.
Ask a bartender to hand out the favors as guests enter the reception area and check names off a list of those over 21 who can receive the bottles.
Taylor worked as a bartender and waitress in New York City for several years, and claims her anecdotes about these celebrities are true, according to
Katherine Taylor now lives in Los Angeles, California, and is no longer a waitress or bartender.
Luciana Barroso and Matt Damon - Newly minted "Sexiest Man Alive" by People magazine, Matt Damon met Luciana Barroso while she was working as a bartender at a Miami Beach, Florida bar in 2003.
Paquin plays the main character, Sookie Stackhouse, who is a telepathic bartender who has fallen in love with a vampire.
Since nobody drinks just one ounce of wine, a standard pour, about four to six ounces (depending on how generous or heavy handed the bartender is) contains three to four carbohydrates per glass.
Later, you can pull this out and hand it to the bartender to call you a cab if need be.
It's also interesting to note that the Mai Tai was created by a Tonga Room bartender in the 1940s.
You can use the basis of the Celebrity Bartender concept but use your school's "celebrities" to serve dinner to those attending the event.
It's a routine that's served them well for a number of years, but this time, Willie gets his boot caught in the door, all because of the love of a bartender and a kid who carves pickles out of wood.
Lauren Graham of "Gilmore Girls" fame is Sue, the bartender who helps Willie find the true meaning of Christmas.
Last week he came down to my job because I'm a bartender and another girl was hitting on him--I watched and yes I was mad--very mad too but I never said anything, and I did notice that he chased her off.
Goddard initially portrayed Cane Ashby as a loner bartender who then impersonated Phillip Chancellor III at the original character's behest.
Actor Josh Taylor originally played bartender Chris Kositchek in the mid-80s; later he was cast as Roman Brady when a storyline twist changed John Black (Drake Hogestyn) from Roman Brady back to John Black again.
Jeremy befriended one in the library (Anna), while another works as a bartender at the Mystic Grill and seeks to court Bonnie.
While vampires are the primary supernatural creature of True Blood, waitress Sookie Stackhouse is a telepath and her bartender boss Sam Merlotte is a shapeshifter (he can become any animal).
Cane Ashby, an Australian bartender, arrived in Genoa City.
Actor Sam Trammell portrays shape-shifting bartender Sam Merlotte on HBO's True Blood, bloodsucking prime time drama based on Charlaine Harris' The Southern Vampire Mysteries.
The combination helped him to become an accomplished professional in the food service industry, with experience as a wait staff member, bartender and chef.
I told the bartender I know those guys; they look familiar.
If you want to have alcohol at the party, hire a bartender friend or brush up on your cocktail skills and buy a variety of ingredients.
Now, he's back with a new album and this single, dedicated to anyone who's been trying to get the bartender's attention, and not just to get another beer.
You may also want to hire a bartender for the event.
During the first season of Rock of Love, Michaels ended up with a choice between Vegas dancer Heather (who got his name tattooed on the back of her neck during the series) and Chicago based bartender Jes.
Even though she doesn't drink, Tyra played a bartender in the movie Coyote Ugly.
Collier began his career as a bartender in a comedy club while working as a teacher during the day.