Any of the thorny shrubs of genus Berberis, which bear yellow flowers and red or blue-black berries.
In that case either very little secondary tissue is formed, as in the gourds, some Ranunculaceae, &c., or a considerable amount may be produced (clematis, barberry, ivy).
All these forms have of course their aecidium-stage on the barberry.
In some leaves, as in the barberry, the veins are hardened, producing spines without any parenchyma.
The leaves of barberry and of some species of Astragalus, and the stipules of the false acacia (Robinia) are spiny.
The pollen is set free by the opening (dehiscence) of the anther, generally by means of longitudinal slits, but sometimes by pores, as in the heath family (Ericaceae), or by valves, as in the barberry.
These teleutospores remain inactive on the straw until spring, when they germinate in manure heaps or on moist ground and produce minute sporidia, which are conveyed by air currents to the alternate host, in this case a barberry.
In due time the fungus, known as Aecidium Berberidis, appears on the barberry leaves in the form of small cluster-cups on aecidia, each of which is filled with chains of orange-coloured aecidiospores.
The barberry's brilliant fruit was likewise food for my eyes merely; but I collected a small store of wild apples for coddling, which the proprietor and travellers had overlooked.
Interesting and, when well grown, elegant plants of the Barberry order, but not shrubby.
Coral Barberry (Berberidopsis) - B. corallina is a beautiful evergreen climbing shrub from Chili, hardy enough for open walls in the southern counties.
Diphylleia Cymosa - A perennial of the Barberry family, about 1 foot high, having large umbrella-like leaves in pairs.