A small bag, especially a small, clear, plastic bag.
A small plastic bag, as for sandwiches.
Well done to te boing boing boing baggies, it's always nice to see a midlands team do well.
Well done to te boing boing baggies, it's always nice to see a midlands team do well.
When packing finger foods, use zip-lock baggies or small plastic containers.
While you can put your child's lunch items into Ziploc baggies, you can cut down on costs by purchasing some small Tupperware or Gladware containers.
Over the course of a school year, you will save money on reusable wear versus throw-away baggies.
If you stumble upon baggies filled with a substance that resembles small white clumps or rocks, you may have stumbled upon crack cocaine.
Members of the TSA found that the actress was attempting to board the flight with cocaine and heroin reportedly stuffed in balloons and baggies.
And yes, it used to be sold in little plastic baggies, hand-packed by the guy who brewed it up.
At Patagonia, you'll find the Girls' Baggies Shorts.
Additionally, several reviews are posted about the Baggies' shorts; all of them are positive with the characteristics of "durable" and "feminine" cited most often.
Forget worrying about bottles and clear baggies - this set does it all with its included zip-top pouch.