Of, relating to, or caused by bacteria.
A bacterial infection when analysed is seen to be of the nature of an intoxication.
It should also be stated that agglutinins are used up in the process of agglutination, apparently combining with some element of the bacterial structure.
The principle in such treatment by means of vaccines is to stimulate the general production of anti-substances throughout the body, so that these may be carried to the sites of bacterial growth, and aid the destruction of the organisms by means of the cells of the tissues.
Since the bacterial origin of foul brood has been established, the efforts of some bacteriologists have been employed in finding a simple remedy by means of which the disease may be checked in its earliest stages, and in this an appreciable amount of success has been attained.
The bacterial and nitrate concentrations are quite abnormal in almost all the coastal stretches of Bardez taluka.
His clinical interests cover all aspects of veterinary dermatology and his main area of research is bacterial adherence.
It provides information on bacterial diseases of the popular foliage plants anthurium, dieffenbachia, philodendron, and syngonium.
Tylosin is a macrolide antibiotic which acts by interfering with bacterial protein synthesis.
The bacterial biosensors were most sensitive to Zn and showed a clear relationship with the amount of metal found in solution after 1 month.
Bacterial canker is spread by splashing rain and can cause rough cankers with amber colored gum, sometimes leading to total tree collapse.
Padding is taken care of by the contoured antibacterial chamois designed to absorb sweat and reduce bacterial build up on longer rides.
This line of experiment came out of a fusion of bacterial genetics with the biochemical characterization of an inducible system of sugar metabolizing enzymes.
Bacterial chemotaxis is brought about by alterations in the direction that the motor rotates in, this in turn is controlled by phosphorylation.
Artificial insemination spreads fowl cholera, a major bacterial disease of intensively reared turkeys.
However, that does not mean GM constructs located on bacterial chromosomes do not transfer.
But closer analyzes reveal that the process whereby Agrobacterium injects T-DNA into plant cells strongly resembles conjugation, ie, mating between bacterial cells.
I think it was a bacterial conjugation (genetic exchange from one bug to another) experiment.
What more could the NBS do to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination of platelets?
The term bacterial cystitis should technically be used where bladder inflammation is as a consequence of bacterial infection.
The genome sequence is available for this bacterial strain, revealing genes that encode 39 c -type cytochromes.
It should be noted that the effector ligand does not enter the bacterial cell cytoplasm in order to exert its effects.
It is divided into five major sections covering bacterial pathogens, toxigenic fungi and marine dinoflagellates, protozoa, and viral and virus-like agents.
In one study, andrographis was given to 1,611 people with bacterial dysentery and 955 people with diarrhea.
Can be difficult to differentiate pleural empyema from pleural effusion in the absence of a positive Gram stain or bacterial culture.
Infection - Bacterial endocarditis has been reported in unwell patients with indwelling needles in the ear.
Some four months after this treatment first began, the Consultant started investigations for a sub acute bacterial endocarditis.
They identified a mouse whose immune system did not react to a substance called endotoxin, a component of bacterial cell walls.
Septic shock is caused by the release of large amounts of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) in the body.
Bacterial exotoxins [IRP] Classification of bacterial exotoxins based on their mode of action at the cellular level.
The bacterial flagellum is driven by a proton motive force resulting from a gradient of protons.
The media in the filter gradually becomes blocked with solids and bacterial floc, eventually forming clumps of bound up media.
Severe disturbances of the intestinal bacterial flora may occur.
Some important trends in the increase in bacterial food poisoning in humans seem to be linked to changes in agricultural systems.
Because the symptoms are quite similar to acute and chronic bacterial gastroenteritis of ferrets, stool samples need to be cultured for these bacteria.
Click Here Further Details Bacterial genetics Everything you need to know about microbial genetics with topics on conjugation, transformation and transduction.
Many people develop gingivitis and it is primarily due to inadequate bacterial plaque control.
Acute ulcerative gingivitis, also known as Vincentâs disease or trench mouth, is due to a bacterial infection of the gums.
The nematode enters the bodies of vine weevil grubs, infecting them with a fatal bacterial disease from its gut.
The RNA polymerase holoenzyme that synthesizes bacterial RNA can be separated into two components.
From bacterial to human models The majority of membrane protein structures are of bacterial homologues of membrane proteins.
Can be acute with viral or bacterial infection accompanied by fever.
The method could detect genetically-modified bacterial inoculants in controlled release experiments down to 1-10 cells per g soil.
The use of mixtures of pure bacterial cultures as an alternative inoculum to rumen fluid in the in vitro gas production technique.
Often, a plant intron is introduced into the code for the bacterial enzyme to enhance transport of the message from nucleus to cytoplasm.
The provisional data suggesting a link between bacterial load and the development of asthma since training as a dentist warrants further investigation.
But sensitivity testing can be invaluable in guiding the choice of a more appropriate antibiotic where bacterial keratitis is progressive.
Bacterial activity Many bacterial species colonize the large intestine and form a symbiotic relationship with man each deriving some benefit from the other.
Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) 1 and 16 are induced in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide and stimulate c-fos promoter expression.
Tetanus (sometimes called lockjaw) is a bacterial disease that affects the nervous system.
A bacterial endophyte of yellow lupine was modified with genes for degrading an organic pollutant along with genes for antibiotic and nickel resistance.