The act of backtracking
To retrace one's steps.
I dropped my sunglasses and had to backtrack to find them.
To repeat or review work already done.
If we backtrack through this problem, maybe we can figure out where we went wrong.
To taxi down an active runway in the opposite direction to that being used for takeoff.
Speedbird One: enter and backtrack Runway 27 Left.
To exercise a racehorse around the racetrack in the opposite direction to that in which races are run.
Every once in a while you'll have to backtrack to grab some gear or hack a computer.
We then backtrack a couple of days to determine the the etiology of Hussein's fate.
After a mishap has occurred, it's too late to backtrack and think about how you should have behaved.
A year in the life of Backtrack Rags to riches boss races to revive.. .
They were quick to backtrack when they saw she was upset, but their persistence annoyed her.
When they realized just how far out on a limb they were they had to quickly backtrack.
They provide you the option to backtrack if you missed something or forgot a desired souvenir.