To utter words indistinctly or unintelligibly; to utter inarticulate sounds
The men were babbling, so we couldn't make sense of anything.
To talk incoherently; to utter meaningless words.
To talk too much; to chatter; to prattle.
To make a continuous murmuring noise, like shallow water running over stones.
Hounds are said to babble, or to be babbling, when they are too noisy after having found a good scent.
To utter in an indistinct or incoherent way; to repeat words or sounds in a childish way without understanding.
To reveal; to give away (a secret).
At this age babies should coo and babble.
Everything else read and sounded like meaningless babble to them.
Sunday was eight hours of listening to Vinnie's uninformative babble, followed by a TV ball game, a couple or three beers and a steak.
Deaf children born to signing parents begin to "babble" in sign at the same point in infancy that hearing infants babble speech, and proceed from there to learn a fully expressive language.
Most retarded children babble during the first year and develop their first words within a normal time span, but are then slow to develop sentences or a varied vocabulary.
Martha let loose a babble of questions about everybody and everything—the Deans, Fred, Mrs. Lincoln, Maria, SB the owl, Alice the geranium, garage sales, and guests—and lastly the identity of her troublesome bones.
It was well past the rescheduled reservation time when a mispronounced version of Cynthia's name was called and they were led through a babble of conversation and a clatter of silverware to a corner table, remarkably, one with a view of the now-darkened bay.
Just the thoughts of a sleep deprived student, that may or may not be inane babble!
Don't give one word answers and do n't babble Yes and no answers may make an interviewer think you are not really interested.
And now preparing for my psychology paper tomorrow, but figured I need a break from psycho-annalysis babble.
P&DR is just ' HR techno babble ' and the University won't actually carry it out fairly.
It is difficult to compare the content management products available because of the widespread use of jargon, buzzwords, and marketing babble.
Egghead quizmaster Bamber Gascoigne, whose name alone sounded like some obscure degree-level specialism, would babble the questions through a perpetual rictus grin.
The effect you're aiming at is a babble, but make sure everyone pronounces their own words clearly or it just sounds sloppy.
The effect you 're aiming at is a babble, but make sure everyone pronounces their own words clearly or it just sounds sloppy.
No child needs to be taught to babble, any more than it needs instruction in suckling at the breast.
By six months, he should gurgle, laugh, babble repetitive sounds and attempt to imitate them, look for the source of sounds such as a parent's voice and begin to pay attention to music.
Babble -- Aside from having a fun name, this style introduces a classic style to a frivolous and feminine color scheme.
The deaf child exposed only to speech will usually begin to babble ("baba, gaga") at a slightly later point than the hearing child.
They should also consult with their doctor if the child does not babble or begin to use single words within the normal time frame.
However, deaf children born to parents who use sign language develop infant babble and a fully expressive sign language at the same rate as hearing children.
Mentally impaired children usually babble during their first year and may speak their first words within the normal age range.
Disraeli characteristically dismissed it as coffee-house babble, but official investigation proved the substantial accuracy of the reports which had reached England.