A nerve fibre which is a long slender projection of a nerve cell, and which conducts nerve impulses away from the body of the cell to a synapse.
On the other hand, in some neurons, after severance of the axon from the rest of the cell (spinal motor cell), the whole nerve cell as well as the severed axon degenerates, and may eventually die and be removed.
A single long axon carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body.
One of the features of myelination is that it leaves distinct gaps in the myelin layer where the axon is not surrounded by myelin.
The same may be said in regard to the development of the axon plexus of the hippocampus.
Thus, axon protection is likely to be mediated by altered ubiquitination or pyridine nucleotide metabolism.
Stimulating a nerve cell triggers nerve impulses (signals) that speed down the axon.
This covering helps speed nerve impulses along the axon.
There seems to be little doubt, notwithstanding, that one of the chief functions of the nerve cell is that of the propagation of a trophicj influence along its axon.
We found that Wnt signaling modulates neuronal connectivity by regulating axon behavior, dendritic arborization and central synaptogenesis.
The motor nerve cell body has a long fiber called an axon, which extends from the central nervous system to the muscles.
Like all neurones, the sensory neuron has a cell body, an axon, dendrites and axon terminals.
Motor neurons that survive develop new terminal axon sprouts in response to an unknown stimulus.
In this way, we will build up a pathway of molecular events and their regulation during the early stages of axon degeneration.
These can be shorter than your axon and you can twist more pipe cleaners to make more dendrites.
Where the axon leaves the cell body of a neuron is an area called the axon hillock.
We have examined the morphology and longitudinal axon projections of a population of spinal commissural interneurons, in young Xenopus tadpoles.
Axon is totally focussed on a small number of industry verticals allowing us to tailor our implementations to the specific needs of that vertical.
These nerve impulses then stimulate the end of an axon to release chemicals called neurotransmitters that spread out and communicate with the dendrites of neighboring nerve cells.
In the severed axon the degeneration is first evident in a breaking down of the naked nerve filaments of the motor end plate.
This indicates that the conjunction between the conducting substance of the dendrons and that of the axon can be effected without the intermediation of the cell body.
A nerve can be likened to an electrical wire, in which the wire part is the axon of the nerve and the insulation surrounding it is the myelin sheath.
Children who have problems with the myelin have CMT type 1 and children who have abnormalities of the axon have CMT type 2.
The variant is located near chromosome 5 and semaphorin 5A, which aid neuron and axon growth.
The job of this gene is to make the layers of myelin stick together as they are wrapped around the axon.
The neuron is described as having a cell body or perikaryon from which the cell branches - dendrites and axon - extend, and it is this perikaryon which, as its name implies, muscle produces lactic acids during activity, it has been suggested that acids are among the "fatigue substances" with which muscle poisons itself when deprived of circulating blood.
A little later the breaking down of the whole axon, both axis cylinder and myelin sheath alike, seems to occur simultaneously throughout its entire length distal to the place of severance.