In an automatic manner.
Something touched her hand and she lifted it automatically, glancing down.
She tells you and it's automatically fact.
The farm of the future will rotate crops automatically and decide which fields to leave fallow.
She'd automatically made enough dinner for three after cooking for Kyle and Jonny for three months.
Imagine that every word you said was recorded by your personal recorder and automatically transcribed.
Senior discounts are not automatically the best deal.
Don't automatically jump on the best price.
Its windows will darken at your command; its air will be automatically purified.
They are hit points (health), energy points (required for B-button attacks), strength, power, and endurance, and each of them grow automatically upon level-up.
The tiles are automatically distributed and arranged.
I guess I just automatically think the worst of anything that comes out of Shipton's mouth, regardless.
If you cannot make a triplet of tiles, after a while, the game will automatically "pass" on your behalf.
The user-created content is automatically uploaded to the online community where other players are able to download it and have it integrated into their online environments.
When a ball is hit, the closest player automatically is chosen and runs towards the ball.
On arriving at a certain height the lift ceases and the jenny is released, and by the continued pull of the rope, it runs up the jib; on arriving at an adjustable stop, the jenny is again locked, and the load can be lowered out; the hook can then be raised, when the jenny is automatically unlocked, and on paying out the rope the jenny gravitates to its first position, when the load is lowered and the cycle repeated.
In short, our brains automatically interpret what we experience in its own terms.
This eschews any second guessing as the game automatically highlights all your possible moves.
WebSudoku doesn't automatically check your puzzle for errors, so you can choose whether or not to see if your latest guess is correct.
When the game arrives at Gamma Gamer's warehouse, the next item in your queue is automatically shipped.
The character moves automatically to the right spot.
Some Windows Mobile 6.1 users have a program called MP3 Trimmer that lets you import a full MP3 song and block off a section of the song that you can save to the ringtone folder or automatically set as the main ringtone.
Some methods are automatically working every day, no matter what.
It automatically calculates and assigns East and West groupings.
It also features working lights that automatically come on when it is dark.
Provided you have an existing wireless internet connection, the Wii will automatically connect to the internet when you need it to.
Whether or not a person listens to emo music, writes emo poetry, or adopts an alternative lifestyle is a personal decision that does not automatically have anything to do with the color or cut of their hair.
Usually there is a choice to opt in or out of these mailings, so you're not automatically stuck with an inbox or mailbox full of unwanted mail.
When some people hear the words side ponytail, their minds automatically flood with messy asymmetrical hairstyles that make it look as if a handle is sticking out the side of the head.
It is small enough still that most kids are able to count by 3's and while the goal is to get them to know the multiplication problem automatically, baby steps are better than no steps towards progress!
With that said, the source does not automatically discount the statistics.
If Acrobat Reader is not pre-installed on your computer, you will be automatically prompted to download it and guided to a download link.
Google Chrome will automatically ask you if you want to translate.
If applicants are on a particular section too long, they are automatically logged out of Odyssey.
Saxon Express is a monthly draft service that automatically deducts your mortgage payment from a checking or savings account.
It is not sufficient to simply assume that if you can comfortably pay your rent that you can automatically afford the same amount with a mortgage payment.
Since the FHA is a federal program, applicants will automatically be denied if they are delinquent on debts such as back taxes, Small Business Administration loans, Federal student loans, or VA loans.
Falling behind in mortgage payments does not automatically doom the borrower to facing foreclosure.
The lower interest rate and foreclosure protection are not provided automatically.
You fill in the first row of data and the site will fill in the rest of the chart for you automatically.
Don't automatically assume that you're getting a deal if you haven't done your research.
On the other hand, it should never be assumed that just because a foreclosed home appears to be fine that this automatically means the home has no needs for immediate major - and potentially expensive - repairs.
Criminal activity does not automatically exclude an applicant from getting approved, but the applicant will be asked to explain the information.
The calculator automatically assumes that you are working with a 30 year mortgage.
Speak to your lender; some lenders automatically put extra payments toward principal, so you may not have to take any extra steps beyond sending in the extra payment.
This distinction is important because it does not automatically impart legal liability on Wells Fargo for ASC's actions.
Even if you do have an issue that poses difficulty in producing milk, it doesn't automatically mean that you can't breastfeed.
If you're having trouble becoming pregnant, don't automatically assume that something is wrong with you.
Set your email to automatically forward to the new temp, your home office, or your supervisor.
While these problems don't automatically mean that you are infertile, they do increase the risk of fertility issues.
Sewing machines can be very expensive and perform all sorts of amazing tasks, from sewing zippers to making button holes or even sewing on buttons automatically.