An atmospheric phenomenon created by charged particles from the sun striking the upper atmosphere, creating coloured lights in the sky. It is usually named australis or borealis based on whether it is in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere respectively.
The " Aurora " reached Cape Evans on Jan.
The " Aurora " proceeded westward close along the Antarctic circle.
The Swedish Expedition (17) of 1899-1902, engaged in measuring an arc of the meridian in Spitsbergen, were unusually well provided spectrographically, and succeeded in taking photographs of aurora in conjunction with artificial lines-chiefly of hydrogen-which led to results claiming exceptional accuracy.
He was the first, in 1867, to examine the spectrum of the aurora borealis, and detected and measured the characteristic bright line in its yellow green region; but he was mistaken in supposing that this same line, which is often called by his name, is also to be seen in the zodiacal light.
Arctic observers, both Danish and British, have repeatedly reported displays of aurora unaccompanied by any special magnetic disturbance.
The first settlement in the vicinity of Aurora was made in 1834.
The ionized condition must be supposed to last to a greater or less extent for a good many hours to account for aurora being seen throughout the whole night.
By the blushes of Aurora and the music of Memnon, what should be man's morning work in this world?
Aurora is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the EIgin, Joliet & Eastern, and the Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota railways, and is connected with Chicago by an electric line.
This accounts for the description of aurora as " Merry Dancers."
When there has been much apparent movement, and brilliant changes of colour in the aurora, magnetic disturbance has nearly always accompanied it.
Artificial Phenomena resembling Aurora.-At Sodankyla, the station occupied by the Finnish Arctic Expedition of 1882-1883, Selim Lemstrom and Biese (23) described and gave drawings of optical phenomena which they believed to be artificially produced aurora.
On some of these occasions aurora was brilliant in both the northern and southern hemispheres, whilst magnetic disturbances were experienced the whole world over.
On the Ross Sea side the " Aurora," under command of Capt.
On May 6 1915 the " Aurora," which had been frozen in and made fast by many cables to the shore at Cape Evans, was blown out to sea with all the ice and was held fast for 315 days, during which time she drifted northward through Ross Sea nearly in the same direction and at nearly the same rate as the " Endurance " was drifting at the same time in the Weddell Sea.
In high latitudes for several months in summer it is never dark, and consequently a total absence of visible aurora is practically inevitable.
Sometimes a Holtz machine was employed, but even without it illumination resembling aurora was seen on several occasions, extending apparently to a considerable height.
The " Aurora " returned to Commonwealth Bay on Dec. 13 1913, and after taking the base party on board made another voyage to Queen Mary Land and carried out valuable oceanographical work on the way back to Hobart.
All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise.
The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis.
In the northern hemisphere to the south of the zone of greatest frequency, the part of the sky in which aurora most generally appears is the magnetic north.
The ordinary colour of aurora is white, usually with a distinct yellow tint in the brighter forms, but silvery white when the light is faint.
On the one occasion when Captain Dawson says he heard it himself, " the sound was like the swishing of a whip or the noise produced by a sharp squall of wind in the upper rigging of a ship, and as the aurora brightened and faded so did the sound which accompanied it."
The expedition left Hobart in the " Aurora " on Dec. 2 1911, and after landing a party with a wireless installation on Macquarie I.
Isochasms. - Aurora is seldom observed in low latitudes.
The extent to which it renders aurora invisible depends, however, so much on the natural brightness of the aurora - which depends on the time and the place - and on the sharpness of the outlook kept, that it is difficult to gauge it.
Thus there must in general be a difference between the observer's magnetic meridian - answering to the mean position of the magnetic needle at his station - and the direction the needle would have at a given hour, if undisturbed by the aurora, at any spot where the phenomena which the observer sees as aurora exist.
General Sabine, Sir John Franklin, Prof. Selim Lemstrom, Dr David Walker (at Fort Kennedy in 1858-1859), Captain Parry (Fort Bowen, 1825) and others - have seen aurora below the clouds or between themselves and mountains.
Several Arctic observers,however,especially Paulsen (18) have observed a diminution of positive potential, or even a change to negative, for which they could suggest no explanation except the presence of a bright aurora.
Birkeland (19) has produced phenomena bearing a striking resemblance to several forms of aurora.
He's the cabin boy on board the luxury airship, the Aurora.
I do not recall ever seeing the Aurora more active.
Until one observes an Aurora of this intensity, it is difficult to appreciate the scale and speed of the constant changes in patterns.
This paper is a chronology of recent successes in producing artificial Aurora, which have features unique to high latitudes.
Read Full Article Aurora discovered on Mars The European Mars Express spacecraft has spotted an aurora in the Martian atmosphere.
The sky also was lit by a diffuse background Aurora.
We had a lovely evening with the best Aurora I have seen, and then the brightest stars.
The FPI observes the red line Aurora and airglow emission at 630nm wavelength.
At apogee, the craft will be above it, seeing upgoing ions in the bright Aurora and upgoing electrons in the black aurora.
Aurora borealis on the globe lies a few degrees south of here, nearer to the Arctic Circle.
Aurora health care Wisconsin vitae have made wondered.
Aurora glow observed at 2350 UTC.
Aurora arch was first seen at 2100 UTC.
Overnight on board and with luck plenty of opportunities to see the aurora borealis.
Despite a thin altostratus overcast by 2100 UTC a strong Aurora glow was visible during the late evening.
A lovely gold-tone metal brooch in the form of a large flower, with aurora borealis rhinestone diamante stones to the center.
Topics include recent solar flares, aurora, coronal mass ejection.
The costumes for this scene are especially lovely, including Aurora's white tutu & " sunburst tiara.
Latour Marliac, of Temple-sur-Lot, France, some of the most favoured varieties being carnea, chromatella, flammea, ignea, rosea, Robinsoni, Aurora, blanda, &c.
At the polar station Godthaab (32) in 1882-1883, negative potential seemed sometimes associated with aurora (see Aurora Polaris).