A workshop or studio, especially for an artist, designer or fashion house.
I spend hours trying on the bathing suits, and even run through the atelier (studio) to ensure that the suit stays put and feels comfortable.
Atelier - A video based art program aimed at the needs of homeschool students and their parents.
Dolce & Gabbana came to life in 1985 by the dual effort of Domencio Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, who worked together as assistants in a Milan atelier.
Their school of bronze sculpture, whose first famous exponent was Ageladas (Hagelaidas), the reputed master of Pheidias, reached its climax towards the end of the 5th century in the atelier of Polyclitus and his pupils.
The remarkably definite and original style formed by Mantegna may be traced out as founded on the study of the antique in Squarcione's atelier, followed by a diligent application of principles of work exemplified by Paolo Uccello and Donatello, with the practical guidance and example of Jacopo Bellini in the sequel.
The cachet of the Fukagawa atelier was indiscriminately applied to all such pieces, and has probably proved a source of confusion to collectors.
Nothing could surpass the delicacy of the works executed at the Sanseishas atelier in Tokyo, but unfortunately such productions were above the standard of the customers for whom they were intended.
So when I knocked on the door of Jim's atelier and said, "Hey, I'm Byron Reese," he said, "Oh, Byron, come over here, I want you to meet this guy.
Fourteen dozen roses, a special rose bath, bottles of Cristal, Chocolate covered strawberries, accommodations in the Ritz Carlton suite, dinner for two at Atelier, breakfast in bed, and in-room massages will rock her world.