A body position, typically associated with the practice of yoga.
There is my regular asana, pranayama and meditation practice.
Any pose that brings this comfort and steadiness is a yoga asana.
Eyes closed, tongue pressed to the roof of the mouth, opening the crown chakra, each asana becomes a meditation.
Each asana is named for a common thing it resembles, like the sun salutation, cobra, locust, plough, bow, eagle, tree, and the head to knee pose, to name a few.
In yoga, asana is the path to dhyana (meditation).
Child pose, known in Sanskrit as Balasana, is a basic relaxation asana used to stretch and rest the lower body between vigorous poses such as the dog or cat asana.
A series of warm-up exercises and easy stretches will then limber and prepare the body for working with the more intense asana practice.
Basics - Covers asana and philosophy for both the beginner and seasoned practitioner.
Each pose has a specific name, which also sometimes ends with the word asana.
Yoga equipment can enhance your practice, but it's not a substitute for dedication and time spent studying the best way to perform a particular asana.
The flow routines are designed to allow individuals to deepen into poses longer and move more quickly from one asana to another.
The Child's Pose, or Balasana, is a resting pose that prepares the body for the next asana.
This is a healing asana designed to connect the yogi to the earth, calm the mind, and promote sleep.
The first thing to realize about learning yoga positions for beginners is that every asana has a modification.
Warrior Pose - Because of its many variations, this asana is a very accessible yoga position for beginners.
I always ask my students provocative questions during the asana practice to get them to self-reflect.
It is the union of posture, breath, and focus; or asana, pranayama, and mudra.
This charismatic women's clothing manufacturer features unique yoga clothing such as this asana tunic in a variety of colors, the silhouette tank, and balance pants.
Display your pride and interest in yoga with an asana pendant.
One way to narrow down your search for asana pendants is to consider the medium.
The Shanti Boutique offers numerous asana image pieces in sterling silver.
Access to Fashion uses a combination of pearls, garnets, and silver for asana necklaces and pendants.
While not crafted in the form of an asana, this citrine and jade necklace from Rapunzel Gifts is a fine alternative for more dressy occasions.
Gold is not a widely-used medium for yoga jewelry, but 0 0 Ovana features a number of lovely asana pendants in it.
While the site doesn't stock asana pendants frequently, you'll be pleased with other symbolic pieces in a range of mediums to suit any taste.
In addition to some of the asana pendants, you can choose from a variety of other pendant styles, chakra bracelets, and toe rings.
Visit LoveToKnow Jewelry and LoveToKnow Crafts for ideas to make asana pendants and other jewelry yourself.
Yoga teachers who already hold a yoga teacher certification are bound to be highly familiar with asana and pranayama, and to a lesser extent, mudra.
Many yoga practices give an unbalanced focus to asana, but yoga is so much more than that.
Rarely is there a prerequisite test prior to training, but you'll be so immersed into the foundation of each practice that you won't want to worry if you're doing a movement or asana correctly.
Not only are asana, pranayama, and meditation all practiced on-site, but students also live at the ashram and receive all of their meals as part of the course fee.
Keep in mind some options are about as basic as can be, while others take you through proper yoga theory, principles, asana practice, and meditation.
Release the asana if you begin to feel discomfort, fatigue, or pain.
Yoga for people with arthritis consists of a series of gentle techniques, ranging from simple and modified asana poses to breathing and relaxation exercises.
The "Easy Does It" program teaches daily breathing exercises, muscle relaxation methods, meditation, self-massage and gentle seated poses modified from Hatha asana poses.
Modify the asana by inserting a folded blanket beneath the knees for those with injured or strained knees.
The corpse pose is a resting pose used for deep relaxation concluding an asana or pranayama program, but is added to any program for arthritis as often as necessary.
In general, while there is no particular asana to avoid in yoga modified for arthritis, it is best to avoid, or modify movements leading to discomfort or pain.
Self-massage and a warm shower can assist in warming stiff muscles before starting an asana exercise.
An earth friendly brand of yoga clothing and gear, Asana Green has a variety of comfortable, durable yoga wear choices for men and women.
This studio teaches courses in the theory and practice of asana, sun salutations and mantras, teaching methodology, anatomy and the philosophy of yoga.
Students are immersed in a yogic lifestyle for 30 days and will experience the effects of meditation, prayer, and a healthy diet in addition to the course elements of asana, pranayama and teaching skills.
Hatha yoga is a method of training for long periods of meditation that includes the use of asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques).
Developed in the late 1960s by the father-and-son team of Kavi Yogi Swarananda Mani Finger and Alan Finger, ISHTA is similar to most existing forms of yoga in that it makes asana and pranayama the centerpiece of its training.
You will also see Professor Krishnamacharya, Iyengar's own teacher, demonstrating asana and pranayama techniques.