An amino acid found in animal foods that plays an important role in several physiological processes.
Formula 4 Feet contains the amino acid arginine, which is the precursor for the formation of nitrous oxide in the tissue circulation.
The amino acid arginine becomes essential during severe stress.
Intravenous administration of arginine has reduced blood pressure in humans in some reports.
Intravenous injections of the amino acid arginine have been shown to be remarkably effective at improving intermittent claudication.
In addition, the cleavage of arginine by nitric oxide synthetase generates citrulline, which is a urea cycle intermediate.
This hormone is also known as vasopressin or arginine vasopressin (AVP ).
Taurine, Arginine, Vitamin A, and magnesium are some examples of necessary additives, but there are many more.
Cats, due to their unique biology, depend upon food sources for nutrients such as thiamine and amino acids called taurine and arginine.
Their food should also contain amino acids such as taurine and arginine.
Quality cat foods must contain the amino acids taurine and arginine, as well as a fatty acid called arachidonic acid.
Herpes sufferers should also avoid foods rich in Arginine, another amino acid, which may have the opposite effect.
Foods containing Arginine include chocolate, nuts, wheat and oats.
L'Oreal's Concentrated Lash Boosting Serum is a drugstore formula that contains Arginine to condition and nourish lashes and prevent lash loss when removing makeup.
The hGH stimulation test, also called hGH provocation test, insulin tolerance, or arginine test, is performed to test the body's ability to produce human growth hormone and to confirm suspected hGH deficiency.
Growth hormone stimulation testing requires intravenous administration of arginine and/or insulin.
For herpes, foods containing the amino acid arginine (nuts and seeds) need to be reduced, and those containing the amino acid lysine (yogurt and cottage cheese) need to be increased.
It has been found that foods high in arginine may cause herpes outbreaks.
Supplementation with free-form lysine has shown to be beneficial in controlling herpes along with a diet high in lysine and low in arginine.
While your body can indeed manufacture arginine, it does not make enough to maintain ideal amounts.
Folks with poor nutrition or declining health may make even less arginine than the average person, and therefore may need to either eat more arginine-rich foods or take a nutritional supplement.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are no established amounts of arginine that are recommended for adult human dosing; a common oral dose is two to three grams, three times a day, maxing at about nine grams in a 24-hour period.
Often a high dosage is not necessary; in a recent study on the use of arginine to cure erectile dysfunction, the dose given to study participants was only 1.7 grams a day.
While you can take an intravenous form of arginine, this should only be administered by a health care provider.
When it comes to children (anyone under 18 years of age), it is not recommended that they be given arginine supplements because there is not enough medical data available to assess the risk of serious side effects.
There are several warnings out there that anyone taking additional arginine supplements should be aware of.
For a while there arginine was touted as a preventative measure for heart attacks, but research has found that those already suffering from heart disease increase their risk of fatality by taking arginine supplements.
Studies have also shown that arginine can increase lung inflammation and worsen asthma symptoms.
If you want to know more about arginine dosage, here are some links that will help you find more information.
This article discusses the use of arginine to combat erectile dysfunction in men.