Such activities or events that occur after skiing.
Mais apres l' Attila Hola!"
Amongst these are Estat des fideles apres la mort; Sur l'oraison dominicale; Du mdrite des oeuvres; Traits de la justification; and paraphrases of books of the Old and New Testament.
When it was thought sufficient to say with Boileau that Corneille excited, not pity or terror, but admiration which was not a tragic passion; or that "D'un seul nom quelquefois le son dur ou bizarre Rend un poeme entier ou burlesque ou barbare;" when Voltaire could think it crushing to add to his exposure of the "infamies" of Theodore - " apres cela comment osons-nous condamner les pieces de Lope de Vega et de Shakespeare?"
Othon (1664), Agesilas (1666), Attila (1667), and Tite et Berenice (1670),(1670), were generally considered as proofs of failing powers, - the cruel quatrain of Boileau "Apres l'Age'silas Helas!
Difficult runs back into resort but that only adds to the apres ski banter.
Dumas, who has drawn from this passage one of his very best scenes in Vingt ans apres, has done little but throw Retz into dialogue and amplify his language and incidents.
While this is admirable, the ski bindings also require some apres ski attention.
The Queenstown ski areas are known for their excellent snow conditions, as well as their active, apres ski party atmosphere.
Apres dinner drinks, toys for the children, or a bonsai tree are all unique and interesting choices.
A third, but of inferior merit, Sur le besoin de s'unir apres le depart des etrangers, was afterwards added.
The Franco-German War engaged Flach's activities in other directions, and he spent two years (described in his Strasbourg apres le bonabardement, 1873) at work on the rebuilding of the library and the museum, which had been destroyed by Prussian shells.