The text character ’, which serves as a punctuation mark in various languages and as a diacritical mark in certain rare contexts.
Closer study showed an occasional comma and apostrophe.
If you put an apostrophe in, you change the meaning.
There, and I don't think I misplaced a single apostrophe.
When you select it, it removes every apostrophe in the story.
Why Rover's return is making us blush Stephen Pritchard puts paid to the errant apostrophe.
Under this head we may class errors which arise from the omission or the insertion of such marks as the apostrophe and the hyphen.
Schleiermacher's fine apostrophe is well known, in which he calls upon us to "offer a lock of hair to the manes of the holy and excommunicated Spinoza."
The apostrophe If needed, insert the apostrophe into the following headlines and standfirsts, then check your answers within The Newspaper.
If you're going to add an aberrant apostrophe to a plural, add it to every plural.
Franci ' s 447 x 480 41K The redundant apostrophe is the only reason for this picture's presence.
It has been disputed whether the name was written originally d'Arc or Darc. It is beyond doubt that the father of Joan was not of noble origin, but Bouteiller suggests that at that period the apostrophe did not indicate nobility.
Add apostrophe s to the owner 's name, and so on... Word form is technically referred to as morphology.
Sticklers for correct punctuation were rejoicing today after a government body declared war on the greengrocer's apostrophe.
Iain Connell, Uk I do not agree with dropping the possessive apostrophe.
Sentence level work KS3 Skills apostrophe wars Add the missing apostrophes!
For opening quotation marks use the ' key (i.e. the apostrophe) rather than ` .
Before yielding her head to the block, she bowed before the clay statue of Liberty erected;in the Place de la Revolution, uttering her famous apostrophe - "0 Liberty!
For opening quotation marks use the ' key (i.e. the apostrophe) rather than `.
And he ends with comments on the most popular problems - including what he calls ' the grocer's apostrophe ' .
Finally in 1985 after years of bickering and litigation, the wineries came to an amicable solution by moving the apostrophe.