A person suffering from apoplexy.
Of, or relating to apoplexy.
Marked by extreme anger or fury.
Effused with blood.
On hearing this shocking news King Wenceslaus was seized with an apoplectic fit, and died a few days afterwards.
Nonsense! cried the count, suddenly reddening with an apoplectic flush over neck and nape as old people do.
Politicians will dismiss a rise in crime figures as " mostly traffic offenses ", whilst becoming quite apoplectic about car theft and joyriding.
He went apoplectic & said " I am a Labor MP!
Who is positively apoplectic if someone answers their phone during dinner?
On hearing this news King Wenceslaus was seized with an apoplectic fit, and died a few days afterwards.
This unthoughtof complication seemed to act like the letting of blood in an apoplectic patient.
At Trichinopoly he was seized with an apoplectic fit when in his bath, and died on the 3rd of April 1826.
He died from an apoplectic seizure on the 12th of February 1799, at Pavia.