A particular narcotic used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
The treatment is to wash out the stomach or give such an emetic as apomorphine, and, when the stomach has been emptied, to administer demulcents such as white of egg or mucilage.
Distilled with zinc dust morphine yields phenanthrene, pyridine and quinoline; dehydration gives, under certain conditions, apomorphine, C17H17N02, a white amorphous substance, readily soluble in alcohol, either and chloroform.
Often it relieves vomiting, though in a few persons it may cause vomiting, but in far less degree than apomorphine, which is a powerful emetic. Opium has a more marked diaphoretic action than morphine, and is much less certain as a hypnotic and analgesic. There are a few therapeutic indications for the use of opium rather than morphine, but they are far less important than those which make the opposite demand.
For this purpose the best emetic is apomorphine, which may be injected subcutaneously in a dose of about one-tenth of a grain.
But apomorphine is not always to be obtained, and even if it be administered it may fail, since the gastric wall is often paralysed in opium poisoning, so that no emetic can act.
If apomorphine is obtainable, both of these measures may be employed.
Apomorphine is essentially a muscle poison, but owing to the fact that minute 'doses stimulate the vomiting centre and cause emesis before any other symptoms are observable, its emetic action is the most prominent effect in man.
Therefore caution is advised when combining apomorphine with other medicinal products, especially those with a narrow therapeutic range.
Coombs ' positive anemia has not been reported in patients taking apomorphine in association with other therapy.
Phase 1 trials have confirmed the fast speed of onset and vastly improved bioavailability of apomorphine nasal powder compared with Uprima 3mg.