A person opposed to a concept or principle.
They are said to be akin to their neighbours the Antis.
For his work in connexion with gunpowder, the invention of which has been claimed for him on the ground of a passage in his De mirabili potestate antis et naturae, see Gunpowder.
This structure, which was in the form of a small Doric temple in antis, appears to have suffered from the building above it having been shaken down by an earthquake.
They consisted of a gate faced on the outside with a projecting portico of four columns, on the inside with two columns in antis.
In these days of political correctness the actions of a few irresponsible anglers can give the antis more ammunition.
The temple is a Doric peripteral hexastyle in antis, with 13 columns at the sides; its length is 104 ft., its breadth 452 ft., its height, to the top of the pediment, 33 ft.
It was in the form of a small Doric temple in antis, and had its entrance on the east.
The same general character - that of a Doric temple in antis, facing south - is traceable in all the treasure-houses.