Old-fashioned, out of date
Give up the antiquated morals or the relationship.
Think of it as a tribal warrior society that's kinda backwards or antiquated in its customs.
His language was antiquated and his style dry, but his work was considered important.
Fowls are kept on all farms and, though methods are still antiquated, trade in fowls and eggs is rapidly increasing.
A propane tank perched on concrete blocks looked out of place in the antiquated setting.
He summoned experienced teachers, Protestant as well as Catholic, from Germany, established middle and higher schools in all parts of the empire, superseded the antiquated textbooks and methods of instruction, and encouraged the formation of learned societies and the growth of a professional spirit and independence among the teachers.
But there is nothing in his words or actions at this time to show that he desired peace except on terms which were clearly antiquated.
Silk spinning and weaving are carried on on antiquated lines, and silkworms are reared in a desultory fashion.
The siege corps was commanded by General von Tresckow and numbered at first io,000 men with twenty-four field guns - a force which appeared adequate for the reduction of the antiquated works of Vauban.
Jacob Tam, who espoused the antiquated system of Menahem b.Saruq, and this he supplements by an independent critique of Menahem.
In his latter years he became unpopular from the extortions practised by his two instruments, Empson and Dudley, under the authority of antiquated statutes.
The proceedings are, with but few exceptions, written, and the procedure is a survival of the antiquated Spanish system.
Several of his immediate predecessors had come to recognize that Russia, with her antiquated military organization, was unable to cope with her Western neighbours, and had begun to organize, with the help of foreigners, a military force more in accordance with modern requirements; but the progress made in that direction had been slow and unsatisfactory.
As in the case of Galen, the formal and encyclopaedic character of Avicenna's works was the chief cause of his popularity and ascendancy, though in modern times these very qualities in a scientific or medical writer would rather cause him to become more speedily antiquated.
The IT system in the offices at Loughborough is now antiquated.
The table has been hand made in England and tastefully antiquated and distressed to give a wonderful aged patina.
The instrumental equipment of that observatory was somewhat antiquated, his largest telescope being a small refractor of 73 lines aperture, but he selected a line of work to suit the instruments at his disposal, observing nebulae and variable stars and keeping a watch on comets and new planets.
When in April 1898 war broke out between Spain and the United States the former strongly garrisoned the island, but the fortifications of the capital were largely of the massive stone construction that had repelled Abercrombie a century before, most of the artillery was of an obsolete pattern and the few cruisers in the harbour were antiquated in type.
The front pockets are lined with antiquated gold studs.
Once considered antiquated and bourgeois, wooden clocks of all types have recently reemerged as a valid and desired home fashion accent.
While advice such as walking with a book balanced on your head may seem antiquated, it does have its merits.
Finally Fred O'Connor withdrew a crumpled dollar bill from his antiquated change purse and a fountain pen from his jacket pocket.
It was demolished in 1897, the defences being antiquated.
Ouro Preto has several historic buildings; they are of antiquated appearance and built of the simplest materials - broken stone and mortar, with an exterior covering of plaster.
The fortifications were strengthened in 1841, and remained in an antiquated condition until 1882, when they were renovated by Arabi Pasha.
In the sense that they already existed and came ready-made to the prince's hand, it is legitimate to speak of these customs as a popular law, a Volksrecht; but it was the prince who gave them force of law, emended them, and rejected such of the ancient usages as appeared to him antiquated.
At the same time it must be admitted that it gradually became antiquated.
It was suppressed in an hour's time by the tsar's troops, of whom only one man was mortally wounded; and the horrible vengeance (September - October 1698) which Peter on his return to Russia wreaked upon the captive musketeers was due not to any actual fear of these antiquated warriors, but to his consciousness that behind them stood the reactionary majority of the nation who secretly sympathized with, though they durst not assist, the rebels.
The most compendious of all works of reference on the subject, though partly antiquated, is the Encyclopedia theologique of the Abbe Migne (1844-66), Ser.
The state's own constitution, which had been adopted in 1776 and amended in 1777, retained, like other state constitutions framed during the War of Independence, many features of colonial government ill-adapted to a state increasingly democratic. The basis of representation, each county electing three members to the assembly and one member to the legislative council, soon became antiquated.
Although no obstinate adherent of antiquated forms and prejudices, he firmly upheld the fundamental truths of Christianity.
The university has faculties of theology, law and medicine, and has 200 to 250 students, but it is antiquated in character and poorly supported.
The years from 1850 to 1859 were devoted to restoring the shattered finances of Sardinia, reorganizing the army and modernizing the antiquated institutions of the kingdom.
While I complain away about the slightly antiquated sound of Marcy Playground it's only because the music scene is changing so quickly.
It's why Europeans drink so much wine and beer as their water systems are so antiquated or bad.
Not a single line of this manifesto has become antiquated.
The test took too long and it seems antiquated in these modern times.
Yet it was scarcely until the last quarter of the 19th century that the apprenticeship system, which was a mere initiation into the art and mystery of a craft, was recognized as antiquated and, in its virtual exclusion of academic study, even mischievous.
Hi llmann, Stadtewesen des Mittelalters (4 vols., Bonn, 1826-1828), is quite antiquated.
One immediate consequence of this is that Tinker, Tailor... feels somewhat antiquated, of belonging in some distant, unfamiliar time.
However, even an antiquated social order does not cede its place to a new order without resistance.
Keith had just bought an antiquated portable reel-to-reel tape recorder to make recordings of the events he attended.
The dream came to fruition when a pair of antiquated woodwinds were discovered in the basement storeroom of a Columbus instrument dealer.
Already antiquated, it could not resist the wit and raillery with which Voltaire, in his Lettres sur les Anglais (1728), brought against it the principles and results of Locke and Newton.
In May 1899 the minister of justice stated in the chamber of deputies that the machinery of the courts in the country was antiquated, unwieldy and incapable of performing its duties; that 50,000 cases were then waiting decision in the minor courts, and Io,000 in the federal division; and that a reconstruction of the judiciary and the judicial system had become necessary.
He could only carry the picturesque sentimentalism of Rousseau, Bernardin de Saint Pierre and Chateaubriand a little farther, and clothe it in language and verse a little less antiquated than that of Chenedolle and Millevoye.
But both these were completely antiquated by the great edition of Du Cange in 1657, wherein that learned writer employed all his knowledge, never since equalled, of the subject, but added a translation, or rather paraphrase, into modern French which is scarcely worthy either of himself or his author.
But Cyprian of Carthage said long ago, Consuetudo sine veritate vetustas erroris est; and the bare fact of previous existence is no argument for the re-introduction of obsolete and antiquated institutions and theories.
Jacobi was ridiculed as endeavouring to reintroduce into philosophy the antiquated notion of unreasoning belief, was denounced as an enemy of reason, as a pietist, and as in all probability a Jesuit in disguise, and was especially attacked for his use of the ambiguous term "belief."
In this day and age, antique stores will charge a fortune for you to buy a piece of lawn furniture, an old record player, an antiquated outfit, or even a poster.