A protein produced by B-lymphocytes that binds to a specific antigen.
Antibodies are specific to the agent causing their response.
Where tetanus has become established, antibodies are used to work against the poison (known as tetanus antitoxins ).
The use of various assays to detect serum antibodies and differing definitions of antibody positivity limits the ability to compare antigenicity among different products.
Several gene families undergo rearrangements in immune cells in order to generate a vast diversity of antibodies.
Elan researchers have recently shown for the first time that certain monoclonal antibodies can cross the blood-brain barrier.
However, we do not know that the levels of antibodies detected are actually protective levels.
In response, it releases IgE antibodies to combat the food.
In most cases, 1 or more female donors had positive HLA and/or granulocyte antibodies.
The antibodies signal the body to produce histamine, which causes the airways to inflame.
Breastfeeding provides infants with antibodies.
This can be as easily achieved with chimaeric as with fully humanized or reshaped antibodies.
These antibodies bind to the surface proteins but do not inactivate the virus.
In any other context mitochondrial antibodies are clinically insignificant.
Such " reactive lysis " or " bystander lysis " can account for injury to cells not recognized by specific antibodies (131 ).
These antibodies may be the cause of the eye muscle paralysis.
Some white blood cells can produce special chemicals called antibodies that destroy microorganisms.
These antibodies will be used in the study of molecular mimicry in the context of autoimmune uveitis.
The original rat monoclonal antibodies had been prepared from ascitic fluid, crudely fractionated with ammonium sulfate.
A solution to the immunogenicity of rodent monoclonal antibodies in human therapy would be to derive human antibodies directly from humans.
This test measures the metabolic response of human monocytes to red cells sensitized with IgG antibodies.
Anticholinesterase antibodies (AChR antibodies) will be present in cats with acquired myasthenia gravis, but not in cats with congenital myasthenia.
Monoclonal antibodies used as a treatment may for example destroy the blood cells that are causing myositis.
For example, there is evidence that subsets of anti-DNA antibodies cause lupus nephritis.
In patients dependent on platelet transfusion, HPA antibodies may be a cause of refractoriness to random donor platelets.
In some patients with HLA antibodies, HPA antibodies may also be present requiring donor platelets matched for both type of antibodies.
He hoped our sensitive immune system would react by creating antibodies to these viral corpses that would also protect us against living wild poliovirus.
Techniques on the screening of patient sera for red cell antibodies - including the provision of donor blood for patients.
The occurrence and distribution in the United Kingdom of antibodies to parainfluenza 3 and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viruses in bovine sera.
None of the 25 negative control sera analyzed showed the presence of specific IgE antibodies against milk proteins.
Detection of antibodies against Jembrana disease virus in Bali cattle sera using a recombinant ELISA.
Techniques of compatibility testing of specificity of red blood cell antibodies found in patient's sera.
A full description of antibodies in maternal serum should be provided.
Field workers exposed to Bt spray experienced allergic skin sensitization and induction of IgE and IgG antibodies to the spray [19] .
Properties of antibodies 1. Antibody structure; variable and constant domains; isotypes; immunoglobulin gene superfamily.
Sometimes antibodies causing thrombocytopenia arise in a patient with a specific disease in which abnormal production of other antibodies may occur.
We describe 5 patients with a relapsing encephalopathy in association with Hashimoto's disease and high titers of anti-thyroid antibodies.
The detection of these antibodies reveals very low titers, found only in a small proportion of young compared with older NPC patients.
There is now a large demand for CAMPATH-1 antibodies to facilitate unrelated donor transplants.
We determined whether such antibodies might control viremia by complement-mediated inactivation (CMI ).
The importance of neutralizing antibodies in containing primary viremia is questioned because they usually arise much later.
Anti-D antibody An alternative recently adopted approach is anti-D which comprises antibodies to a rhesus blood group protein ' D '.
Ms C is an adolescent girl with no evidence of rubella antibodies.
Techniques of compatibility testing of specificity of red blood cell antibodies found in patient 's sera.
Sera from animals infected with D. congolensis were then found to have antibodies against some of the components.
Field workers exposed to Bt spray experienced allergic skin sensitization and induction of IgE and IgG antibodies to the spray [19 ].
Diagnosis is typically based on a blood test, which looks for the presence of syphilis antibodies in the blood.
In acute tibia fracture studies, 4.4% of patients receiving InductOs developed antibodies vs 0.6% in the control group.
We describe 5 patients with a relapsing encephalopathy in association with Hashimoto 's disease and high titers of anti-thyroid antibodies.
The component should be free from clinically significant irregular blood group antibodies including high titre anti-A and anti-B.
We determined whether such antibodies might control viremia by complement-mediated inactivation (CMI).