The constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from catabolism.
Androstenedione does not stimulate muscle protein anabolism in young healthy men.
Dietary changes that may be helpful The body repairs and builds new tissues in a process called anabolism.
Studies show that glutamine supplementation after exercise stimulates anabolism and increases glycogen storage [8] .
Studies show that glutamine supplementation after exercise stimulates anabolism and increases glycogen storage [8 ].
Hering has long insisted on a self-regulative adjustment of the cell metabolism, so that action involves reaction, increased catabolism necessitates after-increase of anabolism.
If natural sleep is the expression of a phase of decreased excitability due to the setting in of a tide of anabolism in the cells of the nervous system, what is the action of narcotics ?
The long-continued incitement to catabolism of the waking day thus of itself predisposes the nerve cells towards rebound into the opposite phase; the increased catabolism due to the day's stimuli induces increase of anabolism, and though recuperation goes on to a large extent during the day itself, the recuperative process is slower than, and lags behind, the disintegrative.