He has been here about an hour.
She was an only child who had been very welcome.
He swam to an island that was not far away.
All dissensions are at an end!
He wanted... needed an answer.
What is an earthquake?
I have an appointment.
It wasn't an easy decision.
From the garden it looked like an arbour.
Almost anybody could rig up an old boat like that.
Leave the tripod in my care until we get an answer.
It has an air conditioner.
This was an odd way of proving something, for, as every one can readily see, it proved nothing.
As the dance came to an end, she gazed up at him.
He looked more closely and saw that it was an ant.
His attitude toward her did an about face so obvious that even Jonathan noticed.
I also see the pace of problem solving—and change in general—accelerating at an astonishing rate.
I think you owe me an explanation.
Alex wasn't buying an heir.
If you have an unwavering commitment to an idea that all things will be good all the time, then that is irrational.
He pulled away from her, propping up on an elbow as he studied her face.
They fastened each of these wheels to the end of an iron rod which they passed through the boat from side to side.
Was it an animal?
He is an excellent horseman, you know.
To her surprise an unseen hand clutched her and held her suspended in the air.
It's an easy job, like I expected.
I was using my mother as an excuse.
There was not an ugly person in all the throng.
So when we say, "The Internet is an electronic library," this is true.
She snickered at the unintentional pun and Alex frowned, his gaze an unspoken question.
It was necessary to fight an unexpected battle at Smolensk to save our lines of communication.
She was still awake an hour later when Alex came through the door.
He turned quickly and saw an eagle rising into the air with his moneybag in its claws.
An old Cat was in a fair way to kill all the Mice in the barn.
They should be doing an ultrasound in a couple of weeks.
Was this surrogacy actually an attempt to get an heir?
This isn't an office.
His voice had an edge to it.
Pierre suddenly saw an outlet for his excitement.
And yet, in a way, waiting this long might have been an advantage.
His voice had an annoyed edge.
When Señor Medena introduced the girl as his daughter, Carmen caught her breath and looked at Alex for an explanation.
She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently.
Others had flat noses, protruding eyes, and ears that were shaped like those of an elephant.
She felt for his hand and knew an instant warm rush when she found it.
He hated it when she won an argument.
One of the old men nearest to him looked round, but his attention was immediately diverted by an exclamation at the other side of the table.
Napoleon having cut our armies apart advanced far into the country and missed several chances of forcing an engagement.
Emerging from the bathroom an hour later half asleep, she put the new nightgown on and climbed into bed.
He slid an arm under her and gently took her hand in his, planting a warm moist kiss in the center of the palm.