That has been given amnesty; whose past offences have been forgiven.
To grant a pardon (to a group)
Amnestied by the emperor of Austria in 1866, he returned home and reentered public life; was from 1867-1876, and again in 1884, a member of the Hungarian Diet, joining the Deak party.
Amnestied in 1755 he returned to France, but soon sank into dire poverty, being forced to earn a pittance for his wife and family as a day labourer.
Bureda and Aneza were occupied without opposition, the rebellious sheiks amnestied by the sultan and loaded with gifts, and formal peace was made between the rival factions.
He was amnestied with other exiles in 1874, and died in obscurity in 1876.
Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, as president of Juarez, the Supreme Court, succeeded him, and amnestied 1872.
Though in no way amnestied, he returned to Paris, but was expelled by the First Consul, who was eager to be on good terms with Spain.