He came down the steps amid a flurry of activity.
She could see nothing amid snow and darkness.
I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.
To the left from that village, amid the smoke, was something resembling a battery, but it was impossible to see it clearly with the naked eye.
After leaving the church, amid handshakes and greetings from town friends, the couple was surprised to meet Pumpkin Green.
And, amid many shiftings of allegiance, Ataulphus seems never to have wholly given up the position of an ally of the Empire.
How surprised must the fishes be to see this ungainly visitor from another sphere speeding his way amid their schools!
Gray buildings squatted amid neatly kept green lawns and paved walkways.
The report, however, sealed the fate of the Giolitti cabinet, and on the 24th of November it resigned amid general execration.
Amid the chaos, a nurse calmly filled out forms in a methodical fashion, looking as if the second coming of Christ wouldn't ruffle her.
Amid a banging door and stomping feet, Gladys Turnbull entered the kitchen.
Amid jokes about his skill with a knife, they shared bites and endured more pictures.
In the absence of its native records its relations with Palestine are not always clear, but it may be supposed that amid varying political changes it was able to play a double game.
From that time I have spent the whole of my life within that monastery devoting all my pains to the study of the scriptures; and amid the observance of monastic discipline, and the daily charge of singing in the church, it has ever been my delight to learn or teach or write.
And, amid all his troubles, Hobbes was not without his consolations.
These occasions were public holidays, and passed amid great rejoicings.
Here is a new philosophy of life, offering solid consolation amid the ruin of a world.
It lies at the foot of Mount Keira, amid fine mountain and coast scenery.
Curiously enough, there is not a single novel in the Rumanian literature with a sustained plot; none which presents a study of the development of human character amid the multifarious vicissitudes of life.
Just facing it, on the crest of the opposite hill, the village of Schon Grabern could be seen, and in three places to left and right the French troops amid the smoke of their campfires, the greater part of whom were evidently in the village itself and behind the hill.
Amid the turmoil of his activities and distractions, however, Pierre at the end of a year began to feel that the more firmly he tried to rest upon it, the more masonic ground on which he stood gave way under him.
The ranks of the infantry disappeared amid the smoke but their long- drawn shout and rapid musketry firing could still be heard.
The one thing he now desired with his whole soul was to get away quickly from the terrible sensations amid which he had lived that day and return to ordinary conditions of life and sleep quietly in a room in his own bed.
The "designer" aspect was severely lacking, and there was simply not much variety to be found amid the sea of clothing for juniors and standard sizes.
While it may be a struggle to make time amid the chaos, organizing the family routines in a way that ensure that the needs of all family members are met is important.
In Congress, toward the end of 2009 and January of 2010, the debate raged as to whether the healthcare reforms were truly the best for American people, especially amid waning popularity.
Amid rumors of legal wrangling (denied by Clarkson) between the show and Clarkson over the rights to use her songs in American Idol broadcasts, it seemed a pointed slight.
Soft rock and melodic pop extraordinaires The Carpenters were a breath of fresh air amid the 1970s heavy rock guitar sounds.
Harry is back for his second year at Hogwarts amid mysterious doings involving a hidden chamber somewhere in the castle that is inhabited by a monster intent on killing students who aren't pureblood wizards.
Harry returns to school for his third year amid rumors that escaped mass murderer Sirius Black is out to kill him.
Rumor has it that while on a plane Takahashi saw a vision of a tortoise flying amid the clouds and put his staff in charge of creating the monster he saw.
It would seem, then, that Thales sought amid the variety of things a single material cause; that he found such a cause in.
His views were those of a moderate reformer, who desired to renovate but not to end the institutions of the old monarchy; and his memoirs set forth in a favourable light the actions of that parlement, the existence of which was soon to be terminated amid the political storms of the close of the year 1789.
Hence, amid the monotonous succession of ridge beyond ridge and valley after valley, diversity of detail has resulted from the varying composition and grouping of the rocks.
Still later, amid the satire and Reformation heat of Lyndsay we have the old manner persisting in the Testaments and in the tale of Squyer Meldrum.
Amid all the vicissitudes of his early manhood Botta had never allowed his pen to be long idle, and in the political quiet that followed 1816 he naturally devoted himself more exclusively to literature.
Amid the struggles between Greek emperors and Western crusaders during the 12th century, Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, &c., emerge from time to time; but it was not till the Latin empire was established at Constantinople in 1204 that the Venetians, who were destined to give the Ionian Islands their place in history, obtained possession of Corfu.
He died on the 28th of February 1868 at Nice, and on the 9th of March was buried in Munich, amid demonstrations of great popular feeling.
The boy grew up amid the poor, coarse surroundings of the German peasant life, imbibing its simple beliefs.
Amid internal and external difficulties Nehemiah proceeds to repair religious and social abuses, and there is an important return of exiles from Babylonia.
Kharga town (pop. 1907 census, 5362) is picturesquely situated amid palm groves.
India is shut off from the rest of Asia on the north by a vast mountainous region, known in the aggregate as the Himalayas, amid which lie the independent states of Nepal and Bhutan, - with the great table-land of Tibet behind.
The name of Kutb is preserved in the minar, or pillar of victory, which still stands amid the ruins of ancient Delhi, towering high above all later structures.
In 856 they penetrated as far as Amid (Diarbekr), and returned with 10,000 prisoners.
The command was obviously too far forward, but it was the knowledge of their general's presence, amid the same dangers as themselves, that kept the men firm in their places in spite of the long strain and terrible losses.
It is deservedly, nevertheless, that Mill's applied logic has retained its pride of place amid what has been handed on, if in modified shape, by writers, e.g., Sigwart, and Professor Bosanquet, whose theory of knowledge is quite alien from his.
The solitary success amid the general disorder in the Empire was the expedition undertaken in 1142 by Conrad into Bohemia, where he restored his brother-in-law Ladislaus to this throne.
A little before sunset a procession is formed at the house of the bridegroom, and proceeds with a band of music, amid great pomp and ceremony, to the house of the bride's father.
In Bombay these towers are erected in a beautiful garden on the highest point of Malabar Hill, amid trees swarming with vultures; they are constructed of stone, and rise some 25 ft.
This we should expect indeed from its insistence upon individual freedom; yet, notwithstanding certain notable exceptions, amid the diversity there is a substantial unity, a unity which in our day finds expression in common organizations for great practical ends, for example in the " Bible Societies," " Tract Societies," the " Young Men's Christian Associations," " Societies of Christian Endeavour," &c., which disregard denominational lines.